Chapter Thirty-One - For You

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Jack's head quickly turned to the voice, gulping his run down and tossing the empty flask.

          "Commodore," Jack called, "Fancy seeing you here, come to apologize for being a dick?"

          "I don't have time for you sarcasm," Norrington spat as his eyes met mine, "I need to speak with her."

          "Well go on then lad, speak." Sparrow smiled, "Don't worry about me,"

          "I'd prefer it if she'd come with me," Norrington stated, his voice sounded cold, but his eyes pleaded with me.

          "If you've come to invite me to the wedding, don't bother," I spoke, steadying my voice.

          "Kyra, please," Norrington begged, taking a few steps closer, "Allow me to explain."

That's it. That's all it took for me to unleash all the pain I had been putting away.

"Explain? Explain what James?" I asked, even though I wanted no answer, "Explain that you were just using me? Explain that I was a safety net for your ego?"

"Kyra, I-"

"No, let me explain something to you," I barked, "I love you. I allowed myself to feel things that I never wanted to feel. All because I thought that you felt the same way as me. That once this over with you and I would go somewhere and live peacefully. But damned was I for thinking that what we had was real."

"It is real Kyra," He yelled back.

He drew in a big sigh and rubbed his forehead.

"Please just allow me to explain," He calmly asked.

I stood there, staring deep into his eyes. I was so angry that my body was shaking. That was until an image of Ace floated into my mind. Ace always said that real love only comes once in a lifetime. Am I really prepared to throw mine away?

"Fine," I replied, "You win."

Norrington flashed me one of his smiles that cause my heart to flutter. I rolled my eyes at my heart's incompetence.

Norrington's held his hand out, gesturing for me to take it. Still very angry, I walked passed him and his gesture and walk to the steps.

"Are we going to talk or not?"

Norrington rolled his eyes before walking up the stairs.

"Have fun," Jack called out as we made our way up the stairs.

There we stood, facing each other in the room that we had shared so many memories. Everything was exactly the same, it was clear that Elizabeth hadn't moved in with him which was preferred.

"Would you like to sit?" Norrington's asked, gesturing to the bed.

"I prefer to stand." I replied shortly.

Norrington shook his head and sat on the corner edge of the bed.

"I didn't do it to hurt you," he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Could've fooled me." I shot back, which earned me a playful glare.

"I am being serious," he replied.

"You don't have to lie to spare my feelings,"

"I am not lying."

"Do you really think i'm stupid?" I asked, "It is obvious you're still madly obsessed with her."

"Kyra, if you'd let me explain you would realize that I am not obsessed with her."

"Ugh, there you go again with the lies. It's okay if you don't love me,"

"Oh for goodness sake!"

Before I knew it, Norrington's lips met with mine. Out of instinct, I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. I hadn't realized how much I needed this until I had it back. James pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"If I had known that's all it takes to shut you up I would have done it earlier."

I smiled smugly as he kissed my cheek.

"I am not marrying her Kyra," James said.

"Then why did you do it?" I asked, fighting back the want to cry.

"For you,"

          "For me?"

          "Your friends and family are on that ship. If I have to take the ship, i don't want you to blame me." He admitted, "I want you to be happy and they make you happy."

I have never felt my heart beat as fast as it did when he spoke. So I did the only rational thing.

I gave him a sly smirk before kissing him again. His hands tightened on my waist as he pulled me tight against him. My hand tangled in his hair. I wanted this moment to last for all eternity, but nothing can last forever.

He pulled himself away and grasped my chin in his fingers, lifting my head to look at him.

          "No matter what happens, I will never leave you. Not unless you want me to."


Norrington smiled widely before kissing me again.


I smiled up at him buried my face into his chest, inhaling his scent. I strangely missed how he smells.

          "For you, Kyra, I would do anything."

          "As long as you love me, there is nothing else in this world that I need."

James pulled me closer to him as he sat down on the bed. He grabbed me by the waist pulled me onto his lap.

          "Just so you know, Elizabeth is nowhere near the woman you are. I am a fool for allowing you to think otherwise."

          "I agree, that was quite foolish of you," I teased.

          "Is that so?" He smirked.

Before I knew it, Norrington had me pinned beneath him. He slid one hand up my shirt with a devious smile, "Am I still a fool?"


Damned stutter.

          "No?" He asked, slipping his hand further up my torso.


          "Good girl," he smirked before pushing himself of me.

          "You're a cruel man," I said as I sat up.

          "When this is all over, I will be anything, but cruel."

My stomach turned in excitement. Only this man has the power to make me feel this way just by his words.

He leaned in and gave me a soft peck before opening his door, "I must get back, please don't be gone when I come back tonight."

          "I'll be here, I promise."

He nodded with a smile before walking out the door. The moment the door shut I laid back down on the bed.

          "What are you doing to me?"

Hope you all enjoyed this semi-spicy chapter. I figured I'd throw y'all a bone since I have failed to be a consistent publisher lol. Anyways, I love you all!! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!!

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