Chapter Eight - Norrington Manor

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I had no idea where we were going, he continued to pull me farther and farther from the safety of the workshop I had learned to call home in the short months I had been here. I wasn't afraid of what was gonna happen, I was concerned. Concerned about Leon and the vision he had. Concerned about Will and what they would do to him since he was housing a pirate and what if Groves? If they found out that he knew and aided me in my stay in Port Royal, it would be his head. My well being was not a concern of my, but the possible consequences of others kept replaying in my head. I snapped out of my thought once I felt Norrington jolt me to a stop. I looked around my surroundings to find a fairly large house stood in front of me. It was very nice, and the landscape was well cared for. I couldn't imagine that this is where they would hold those who were to be hanged, so why was I here? I looked to Norrington with a raised eyebrow and all he did was shove me inside. He pushed me into the nearest chair and locked the door behind us.

"Well, isn't this a nice setup. Is this supposed to uplift the spirits of the damned or is it just for decoration?" I asked smugly.

Norrington didn't answer he just sighed and took off his hat and coat.

"Silent treatment hmm? So you aren't going to explain why the bloody hell I'm in a mansion when I should be led to the gallows?" I questioned, hoping to get answers.

"It doesn't matter why you're here, all that matters is that you're not leaving." He replied, removing his powdered wig to reveal his natural brown hair.

"Aye, I see what's going on here." I replied, "This is a ruse isn't it."

"I beg your pardon?" He asked confused.

"This is one of those things where you pretend that you're not gonna hang me by sticking me in a nice house and fill me with hopes of living through the night, yes?"

"This is not a ruse." He replied.

"Right it's "not" a ruse. I'll play along." I smirked.

"Damnit Kyra!" He yelled, causing me to slightly startle, "This isn't a ruse. You're in danger now that everyone knows you're a pirate and the only way I can keep you safe if by keeping you in here!"

I was stunned, completely stunned. Here I was expecting to be led to my doom, when he was trying to save me.

"Why would you be so stupid!" I yelled.

"I'm saving your life and you throw insults at me?!"

"You're putting your title, your newly minted title, at risk just to save a bloody pirate. You're completely stupid! Mental even!" I explained, I felt guilty that he wanted to save me. His life could be ruined in an instant.

"My title is the least of my concerns at the moment." Norrington said, "Now please, stop arguing with me and just be thankful."

"No, I refuse to let you throw your life away like this." I stated as I swiftly walked to the door and began unlocking it.

Norrington grabbed me by my wrist and turned me around to face him, pinning me in between him and the door.

"Norrington, let me go." I said harshly, my voice had went cold.

"Don't be foolish." He replied, "You're an idiot if you think I'm gonna let you walk out of here."

"You're an idiot if you don't believe I'll be able to."

We stood there and glared at each other for a long time before he backed away, but kept his hand on the lock.

"Please do not fight me on this Kyra, you may think you're stubborn, but I'm impossible." He whispered lowly as he continued to glare at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, not knowing where I was going considering I had never been in this house before, but I needed a place to cool down.
I walked up the large wooden steps and walked to the farthest room from them, it was a small square room that had a gorgeous white and pale blue single bed with too white night stands on either side. It had an elegant white chest straight across from the bed, beside the door. There weren't many items besides that, just a single mirror, but it was good enough. I hope no one stays in this room, it's the perfect size for me considering I will not be staying long. The first chance I get, i'm sneaking out of this place, finding Leon and Will, and leaving to Tortuga. At least there I would be safe from the gallows and no prestige titles would be tarnished. Everyone would be safe. The decision to find a better home from mine in Tortuga turned to be a terrible idea.
The blackness of night had taken over, Norrington had left for his post at the towers for night watch. This sounds like the perfect escape circumstances, no one there to stop me, but unfortunately for me, Norrington had thought ahead. He had locked my door from the outside and on the outside of my window was copper bars. I don't understand why someone would put copper bars on the outside of their windows in the first place, personal preference I presume. I had kept silent for hours on end it seemed, to some that sounds worse than torture, but I enjoy the silence to some extent. I don't wish to be silent more than tonight though. While I may have no one to speak to and nothing to do, my mind was racing. For some reason I kept replaying the way that Norrington pinned me against the door without hesitation. He seemed completely unbothered by it, which is fairly odd. I did wish my mind would fixate upon another topic though, because in reality he seemed to be doing it to protect me, but in my head, it was a completely different story....

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