Chapter Three - Challenged

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          It had been a few days since my arrival at Port Royal and there were two things that I had learned while staying here.

Number one being that Port Royal was filled with the most obnoxiously snooty people I've ever met.

Number two being that these obnoxiously snooty people really, really, REALLY hate pirates.

You can go to any random person on the street and ask them what their opinions on pirates were and they would go on a rampage. It made me feel targeted and singled out. Although the only people who knew I was a pirate was Leon and Theodore (Groves), I still felt like everyone knew. Like everyone was watching me.

These thoughts played in my head as I looked down at the ground below my my feet. I watched as my boots kicked up dust on the road onto the dress Theodore bought for me. I had asked him to let me work and pay him back, but he wouldn't allow it. I continued to think about how much I really disliked Port Royal, until I suddenly walked right into something.

          "Pardon me, miss." A very familiar deep voice said as the person held my arms to make sure I was stable enough to walk.

          "Oh that's quite alright, I'm afraid that it was my fault." I said as I looked up.

The appearance of the man caused me to stare. He had a strong jawline, these gorgeous blue-greenish eyes, he wore a white powdered wig, and the navy's uniform.

          "Are you alright, miss...."

          "Kyra." I replied, finally able to break my stare.

          "Well miss Kyra, my name is James Norrington, soon to be Commodore." He said with a smile.

          "Well, Mr. Norrington, I'm so sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going." I explained.

          "It's quite alright, miss." He chuckled.

I smiled awkwardly and nodded before walking away. As I was walking away, his hand caught my wrist.

"I have to say, I've never seen you before? Are you new?" He asked, curiously.

"What makes you think I'm new?" I asked.

"Well miss, I know every resident of Port Royal. I know every household by their names." He replied confidently.

"Very impressive, Mr Norrington." I said with a smirk "But I'm afraid I'm not very new, I've lived here my whole life.

"Miss Kyra, as I had said before, I know everyone here. If you'd been here longer than today, I believe I'd know." Norrington said with a smug look. Therefore you are lying. So tell me, Kyra, are you new?"

"Well Norrington-"

"James, call me James."

"Well James, you must not be as good as you say. In fact I've been here for almost a week." I admitted "If you were half as good as you thought you were, you would've noticed me already, Mr -soon to be- Commodore." I said with a smug look of my own.

Norrington chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Maybe the reason I haven't noticed you yet, it because you hadn't clumsily knocked into me until now." Norrington said.

"Oh, and you were watching where you were going?" I asked.

"Well of course." He replied with a smile.

"If that's the truth, than Mr Norrington, it would appear that you purposely walked into me, knowing full well I wasn't paying attention and now, you are blaming it on me." I explained.

Norrington's face turned a shade of pink as he nervously scratched his head.

"Well, I-"

"Kyra! James!" The voice of Groves boomed as he came jogging towards us.

"Theodore, what's wrong?" I asked with concern as I placed my left hand on his right shoulder.

"Leon's been looking everywhere for you, he's been worried sick." Theodore admitted as he took so deep breaths.

"Leon? The boy from the dock?" Norrington asked.

"Yes." Theodore replied.

"You know him?" Norrington asked, looking directly at me.

"Yes, he's my best friend. I've known him since I was a child." I replied.

"I see," Norrington said, his face turning into a stone expression "and did you arrive with him?"

Before I had the chance to respond, Groves came up with an excuse:
"No sir, she arrived at Port Royal as soon as I sent her the letter informing her of Leon's condition after we found him."

"Why did you send it to her, what of his family? Do they know what happened?" Norrington asked, raising an eyebrow.

"His parents are dead." I replied, Groves and I are the only family he has left."

Norrington stared at me a bit before turning to Groves "Very well. Miss Kyra, I believe it's time for you to return to Leon, before he looses his head looking for you."

"I will." I replied.

Norrington nodded to me and then to Groves. He walked away from us without another word.

"Are you insane?" Groves asked me as soon as Norrington was out of earshot.

"Just a bit challenged, that's all." I replied with a smirk.

"You didn't tell him anything about you besides your first name did you?" Groves asked in a panic.

"Relax Groves, I'm not too challenged." I chuckled "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Leon to tend to."

I walked away from Groves, leaving him rolling his eyes as I calmly walked towards the blacksmith shop.

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