Chapter Ten - Next door cell mate

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          "Norrington, what are we doing here?" I asked as we walked down the stairs to where the prisoners are held.

          "It's the only place I know you'll be safe, doll." He replied.

          "I don't know Commodore, the Black Pearl seems pretty safe to me." I teased.

Clearly, Norrington did not appreciate my teasing because before I knew it, he was spun around and had my back pushed against the wall and his body was pressed against mine. His hands were on my hips to keep me stable so that I didn't fall down the remaining amount of the stairs. Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen, we were still on the damn stairs!

          "As far as I'm concerned you will not step one foot on that ship, you understand me?" He said in a low husky voice.

          "Commodore, if you wanted to pin me against the wall, all you had to do was ask," I said with a wink.

          "Why ask when I can just do, hmm?"

He stared me in the eyes for what seemed to be an eternity before letting go of my hips and walking downstairs. I stood with my back against that wall for a short moment to process his words without feeding into the same images my mind had shown me at his manor earlier.

          "Coming doll, or would you like me to repeat the same action?" He asked with an amused tone.

          "No, I think I'm better off without another one of your displays of dominance," I said as I walked down the steps.

          "Trust me doll, I have better ways to display my dominance." He said with a wink.

I huffed loudly before standing beside him. My annoyance was quickly increased once I saw a familiar face standing in one of the cells.

          "Oh bloody hell," I said in annoyance.

          "Did he catch you?" Jack asked with a smirk, "Guess you're not as sly as you used to be aye darlin'."

          "Jack, you definitely haven't changed one bit." I replied, "I can see your intelligence still hasn't improved any. considering you're headed for the gallows."

          "Aye, but it seems your intelligence has plummeted, you're heading the same place I am love."

          "Actually, Mr. Sparrow, she isn't." Norrington intervened.


          "Yes that's right, she's in here for her own protection. Can't have such a fine young lady running off with one of your pals now can we?" Norrington quipped.

          "You think I'm fine?" I asked with a smirk.

Norrington's cheeks flushed, but he didn't answer.

"Don't tell me you fancy this....I would say woman, but her manners aren't quite ladylike." Jack commented.

I watched anger flash in Norrington's eyes as he narrowed them at Sparrow.

"You'd do well to watch your mouth Sparrow, do you realize how easy it is to get away with murder when your port is under attack?" Norrington asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh come on lad, I was just teasing ya." Sparrow chuckled nervously.

"You're really gonna leave me in here?" I asked, my nerves became shot as the sounds of canons grew louder.

"Only until I'm sure you're safe darlin'." Norrington replied, "I promise I'll be back."

Norrington showed me the last cell and unlocked it with a sigh. He turned to me and quickly kissed me on the forehead. I stood there stunned in the cell as he locked it. I couldn't believe what just happened.

"It was a peck on the forehead love, it's not like he deflowered you," Sparrow said laughing.

"Jack, the only words that can even begin to describe the sheer awkwardness I feel when you say "deflowered" have not even been invented at this point."

"If you want to make it really awkward, just remember I'm the one who deflowered Ace." He chuckled.

"Okay Jack, I really don't want to talk about you having sex with my older sister, alright," I said quickly, trying to shut him up.

"I'm just saying lass, your sister has good rhythm."

"Ew, gross, stop. I'm gonna be sick." I replied.

"She does this thing with her tongue, it feels so-"

"Sparrow, if you do not stop talking, I'm going to shoot you through these bloody bars!" I yelled.

"Please, I doubt you're carrying a gun." Jack chuckled.

I smirked and pulled out the golden gun I had stolen from Norrington's mansion and aimed it at his head, "Still having doubts?"

"Where did you get that bloody thing?" Jack asked, mesmerized by the golden gun.

"What's it matter? It's a gun either way." I said firmly, "What are you doing here Sparrow?"

"What's it matter? I'm here either way." He said with a devilish smirk.

"Don't get ye get bloody snippy with me, I'm the one with gun aren't I?"

"Oh why not, love? It's not like you're gonna shoot me." Jack said with a smirk.

"Aye, you certain about"

"If you kill me, you'll be the first name on Ace's hit list love, and you know how seriously she takes revenge." Jack explained, his eyes darkening at the last word.

"No matter the loyalty she may have for you, her loyalty for me is much stronger." I replied.

"Are ye sure of that?" Jack asked, his face serious and stiff.

"Aye, i am." I replied.

We stared at eachother for a moment, the gun stayed aimed at his head. As much as I wanted him to be wrong, I knew he was right about Ace. She truly loved him. No matter how many times our father forbade her or how many times Sparrow abandoned her, she loved him. Nothing could ever sway her away from him. She was quite stubborn, she practically raised my sisters and I. She was always taught to be strong, never bothered with foolish fixations like the rest of us did. She never looked at a man with want or lust, that was until she met Sparrow. Sparrow has never hurt her physically, but the mental toll he's put upon her has caused her more troubles than he is worth and yet she still loves him. She is living proof of devotion, loyalty, and true love. They both are. No matter how many times Sparrow walks away from her, he always comes back. Thinking of how upset she would be, to find her first and only love dead at her sister's hand, I lowered the gun from his head and sat down in the farthest corner of my cell, praying that Norrington would be alright.

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now