Chapter Forty - Such A Gentlemen

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I finally made it back to ship to find it overrun with ghost pirates. I quickly climbed aboard, kicking a pirates jaw as I sling myself across. A pirate came running at me and I easily blocked his sword with mine, landing a kick to his stomach and cutting off his head.

I'll admit it, I'm out of shape

In the midst of my mental scolding, I felt my arms being grabbed, I tried to struggle free, but it was no use.

"Look here boys, we've got Barbossa's long-lost daughter." A pirate said as he approached me.

"Let go of me or I swear I will-"

Before I could reply the pirate in front of me held. His sword to my throat, "Or what?"

I was going to answer but a sword cut through the pirates stomach, nearly stabbing me. I used this moment to free myself. I twisted out of the Pirate's grip, grabbing on of their arms and twisting it behind their back before pushing them into the other one. Both of them clattered to the ground. I smiled to myself before looking in front of me to see James pushing the skeleton off his sword.

"Perfect timing." I smirked.

"If I don't protect you who will."

As if the universe was on my side, a pirate was about to cut James open with his sword, but I quickly grabbed the dagger from my sheath and threw it at his head.

"I could ask you the same thing," I smirked.

We turned to see a bunch of skeletons running at us, "After you darling,"

"Such a gentleman," I chuckled, running towards the group of pirates.

        As Elizabeth and I sailed towards the cave, an unsettling silence hung in the air. The anger inside me towards Kyra was intense. Norrington? Really? Has she completely forgotten who she is, where she comes from, and what she's done? It's as if she glanced at him and discarded her entire identity. If she truly believes he's deserving of her, she has truly lost touch with reality.

"What's happening?" Elizabeth broke the silence, her voice cutting through the tension.

"What do you mean?" I responded, avoiding eye contact.

"Aren't you her best friend? Shouldn't you be by her side, supporting her?" Elizabeth questioned.

"I'm not a mindless follower, if that's what you're implying," I retorted sharply. "And she's crossed a line that I can't ignore."

"At least we can agree on that," Elizabeth smirked. "I mean, who does she think she is? Pining over Norrington like that, when he's clearly not interested in her."

"Kyra has always been an enigma. I'm just as surprised as anyone," I muttered.

"You love her, don't you?" Elizabeth smiled knowingly.

"That's absurd," I replied curtly, trying to mask my rising emotions. "I'm simply concerned for her safety, nothing more."

"No, you're bitter. Men only become bitter when they're jealous of someone," Elizabeth explained, her tone insightful. "Are you jealous of James?"

"Jealous? Ha, absolutely not," I scoffed, although my face betrayed my true feelings.

"Keep telling yourself that," she chuckled.

The silence settled in once more, I watched the waves as they hit the bottom of the raft. I closed my eyes for a split second, breathing in the salty air, the ship cam to an abrupt stop.

"We're here," Elizabeth said, climbing out.

How wonderful...

Sorry guys!! I know it is short, but I needed a small filler....

Anyways, I'll be working on the next chapter either later tonight or tomorrow depending on work.

I hope you guys have a lovely morning/afternoon/night!!! I love you guys and thank you for being patient!!!! ❤️

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