Chapter Seventeen - Comandeer

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Have you ever tried to sneak off a very wealthy populated island? It's much easier than it sounds. The more people, the more distractions and opportunities to blend in. Now have you ever tried escaping a quieter and less lively island? It's extremely hard. Getting caught in a less populated island is as easy as spotting the difference between silver and gold. The four of us were hiding in shadows, dodging any sign of human life, and sprinting quickly across alleyways and across the larger areas between stores and homes. This brings me to my next question, have you ever tried to run with 15-pound weights tied to your waist? That's what it feels like to run in a dress imported from England.

"Kyra, have you always been this slow, love?" Jack asked as I finally caught up to them.

"If it were not for this tight contraption woman in England call a dress, I'd be at a fair pace with the three of ye," I replied.

"Where are the clothes you wore on our way here from Tortuga?" Leon asked.

"I believe they are still in the Blacksmith's shop," I replied.

"How long will it take you to get out of that dress?" Will asked.

"We've no time for a wardrobe change," Jack grumbled.

"The time it would take me to change is precisely the same amount of time it would take me to make it to the ports in this godforsaken attire," I quipped, "I believe that's enough time, don't you?"

"Alright, Kyra go to the blacksmith's shop and get changed. Meet us at the ports." Will instructed, "Quickly please."

"Aye, aye, Captain." I teased.

"I'm no pirate, and certainly will never be a Captain," Will replied bitterly.

"Could've fooled me, lad," I replied before disappearing to the shop.

I quickly ran to the shop and slammed the door open, latching it shut once I was inside. I disappeared into the washroom where I had folded my clothes neatly in a corner. I quickly kicked off my boots and started to untie the corset so that I could get the dress off. Of course, the ties were tangled and knotted.

"Bloody hell," I mumbled to myself.

I gave up attempting to untie it so I grabbed the dagger that was under my folded close and I cut through the front of the corset. I quickly tore the dress off of me, along with the silly bloomer pants I wore under it. I grabbed my white shirt that was tight and the waist with billowy sleeves that were off the shoulders. I grabbed my red corset and properly tied it around my shirt. I tied it tight enough that it wouldn't move, but I left enough breathing room. I grabbed the black leather pants and slipped them on and slipped my red overcoat that had no sleeves, and matched the color of the corset, over my arms. I slipped my boots back on and sheathed my dagger in my boot. I had a sword sheath placed around my pants, but no sword. I walked out of the back room and into the main room that held all of the swords and craftsman material. I grabbed the sword that I had observed on my first day here in the shop and sheathed it.

"Sorry Will," I mumbled with a light chuckle before unlatching the door and leaving the shop.


"That didn't take near as long as expected," Will remarked as I met them under what I presume to be a bridge of some sort.

"Aye, now what are we doing down here?" I asked.

"Stealing a ship." Leon joked.

"We're going to steal the ship?" Will ask, his gaze was on the Dauntless that was farther out in sea, "That ship?"

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