Chapter Twenty-Three - Broken Heart

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          I woke up to the sound of segulls as they flew over the boat. It was peaceful, so peaceful that I didn't dare open my eyes. I listened to the waves as they rolled over one another and rushed against the side of the ship. I listened to the audible sound of the crew above as they scrambled around to do their routines. I smiled as I heard James' voice echo from above. At the slightest thought of him, my mind traveled to yesterday. The way he kissed me and spoke to me, it was quite a surprise to say the least. I'm not complaining, I definitely enjoyed it, but I did 't expect it. I couldn't seem to put together what compelled him to do that. I felt adoration and frustration in the kiss, as if he was torn between anger and endearment. I knew where the anger stemmed from, I disobeyed and aided a fugitive in larceny, but the adoration, where did that stem from? Where did that feeling of tenderness come from? I'm not like the women that men like him typically fall for. I'm a pirate, a thief, a liar, and in some cases....a murderer. Where is the attraction in that. For woman, falling in love with a pirate is an adventure. It gives them the rush and freedom they long for. What do noble men see in pirates? What does James see in me? 

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of knocking.

          "Kyra, are you awake?" Groves called from the other side of the door.

          "Oh yes," I replied, "Coming!" 

I quickly got up from the bed and ran to the door to let Theodore in.

          "Goodmoring, Theo." I said with a sweet smile.

          "Morning, Kyra." He said as he walked in, taking a seat in the chair, "How did you sleep?"

          "Decent, I suppose." I replied, "And you?"

          "I was on night watch, I've just been dismissed to get some rest." Groves explained.

          "Oh yes, I forgot that you did night watch." I replied, "So what is so important that you came here first before going off to your quarters?"

         "I have a question." He said, his face went stone.

          "About?" I asked, raisng an eyebrow.

          "You and James," Theodore said, "Are you interested in him?"

I was stunned truly, I didn't expect to be asked by anyone about my interest in the Commodore.

          "Why do you ask?" 

          "It's nothing serious, I'm just curious." Groves said, "I've never seen James so distracted before. I thought his feelings for Elizabeth would never cease, but I've been proven wrong."

'You've got to be kidding me, ELIZABETH!', I thought to myself as soon as her name left his mouth.

          "I wasn't aware that he fancied her." I admitted, the feeling of disappointment spread throughout my body.

          "Surely you were informed," Groves said, "They way he looked at her, spoke to her, smiled at her, the whole town knew."

My shoulders dropped as I felt my happy mood plumet. He fancied her. Everyone seemed to fancy her. Jealousy was not a feeling I felt often, but when it came to Elizabeth, that was all I felt.

          "Wait," Groves said, his face seemed to be a mixture of pity, concern, and confusion, "Did he not tell you?"

          "Tell me what?" I asked, tilting my head.

          "So he didn't." Groves said with as he shook his head.

          "Theodore, what are you talking about?" I asked.

          "On the day of his promotion, before Elizabeth fell into the water, Norrington had proposed to her." Groves said.

I felt my heart shatter. My body tense and my throat began to feel tight, I balled my hands into a fist in my lap as I sat on the bed, staring at the floor. I didn't know why I felt so betrayed, he wans't mine and I definitely wasn't his. Why did I feel so hurt?

          "I'm so sorry, Kyra." Groves said as he moved to sit beside me, "I was sure that you knew."

          "It's alright, Theo." I replied, plastering a fake smile on my face as I looked at him, "It's not your fault. I'm not angry with you."

          "I am truly sorry." Theo said, looking at me with sad eyes.

          "It's quite alright." I responded with another fake smile and a nod, "You bet get going now if you want to catch enough sleep."

Groves nodded and stood up, he walked towards the door, but stopped before he opened it.

          "If I'm being honest," He began, "I don't think he truly desires Elizabeth, the way that he talks about you is with so much adoration. He never talked about Elizabeth that way."

Groves gave me another sad smile before opening the door and walking out, shutting the door quietly behind him. I waited until I heard his footsteps disappear before I sank into the floor. Many thoughts ran in my head and pulled my knees to my chest. He loves Elizabeth, he proposed to her. That kiss we shared meant nothing to him. I meant nothing to him. Perhaps the only reason he shows me kindness was for the sake of Groves. With Leon being Groves cousin and all, Jam-Commodore Norrington is most likely only treating me with kindness and feigning concern in order to keep Leon from going into a psychotic breakdown for which Groves would have to keep under control. What good is a Lieutenant to his Commodore if he's on family leave. My heart was shattered, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run away, to hide, to disappear from the world, but I couldn't. I would be forced to see him, to speak to him, to stay with him, as long as I was on the godforsaken ship I could not escape him. I wished I was back on the Pearl with my family. I would be surrounded with people who loved me. I would have my father and sisters who would cheer me up and show me how loved I truly was. I wouldn't be here wishing I were something I'm not. 

'I need to stop bloody sulking!' I thought to myself, 'I'm a bloody Barbossa, we sulk for no one.'

I sighed loudly and walked into the bathroom, maybe a nice bath would help take my mind off of Commodore, it was worth a shot anyhow.

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