Chapter Thirty-Eight - GeRmS

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          DAVINA'S POV

          I have a dilemma. You see, normally confronting people comes easy in my family. We all are hard-headed and stubborn, HOWEVER, when it comes to telling Ace, my older hard-ass sister that she needs to leave and stay's a challenge. So you can imagine that once I had led her to a more secluded part of the cave to give her said talk, the thought of being almost completely alone with someone who could easily kick my ass was not fun.

          "What did you mean 'you won't be around'?" Ace asked, staring rather intensely into my eyes.

"I am just going to preface this by saying, I love you and you mean a lot to me and this family, but I don't think you should stay." I explained, feeling my nerves creep up my throat.

Ace let out a hardy laugh and bent over holding her stomach, "Ahaha-you almost-ahahahah-had me there," she continued to laugh.

"Ace, this is serious, I'm being serious."

Ace stopped laughing and stood up straight, cocking a brow.

"Do you not get tired of it? Protecting us, lying for us, pretending we are in the right when we upset you. Taking hit after hit from everyone for us. Do you not want to be happy?"

"I am happy." Ace said bluntly.

"No, you are not. And you haven't been for a long time. Not since dad-" I paused, watching Ace close her eyes for a moment, "Not since dad marooned Jack. You are happier with him, you smile more, you laugh more, you are not as tense. Everytime he leaves, Jack takes your happiness with him. Maybe it is time that you go with him too."

"Davina," Ace's voice held a dangerous tone as she looked at me with serious eyes, "Did Jack put you up to this? Leaving my family is not an option, it never has been and he knows that."

"Ace, this isn't Jack talking. It is me. Sure, Jack may have asked me to speak to you, but that isn't why I am doing this. I am doing this for you."

"For me?" Ace asked, unamused, "Look Davi, I appreciate your concern for my happiness, but that's just it, it's MY happiness. Losing Jack broke my heart, but I don't think I had him to begin with. All those days I would spend waiting for him to come back from doing god knows what. As much as I love him, I will not force him to love me the same."


"And what about Rory hmm? How are you, Norine, and Veda going to handle her?"

"We won't, you will."

"I'm not following."

"You said it yourself, Rory is suffering from a hurt that our father put on her. Maybe it'll do her some good to spend time away from him. Maybe she will be able to finally breathe." I explained, "You and Jack will be happy and Rory will get some mental relief. It's a win-win if you ask me."

"And Kyra? I have to be there when she comes back."

"What real difference does it make, Ace? Even if she comes back, you deserve to live your life the way you want to. Not at the expense of someone else. At least think on it." I pleaded.

Ace sighed and ran a hand over her face, "Fine, I'll think about it."

I smiled widely at my accomplishment, "That is all I am asking."

I sat quietly in the wreaking cage, closing my eyes to hopefully get some sleep. Of course, that wasn't gonna happen. All I could think about was Kyra. I had not seen her in what felt like eons, not since that damn commodore took her. I've had this feeling for a while since that day that she was safe, but something has changed. For the past few days now, I've felt a rollercoaster of emotions. Ranging from sadness and guilt to happiness and....I'm not even going to think about the last one. I can't for the life of me get her out of my head. I never have been able to before, but this is different. She's with him. Some posh navy man who acts as if happiness is a crime. I can't stand it.

Out of nowhere, my head began to pound, I felt dizzy and my eyes burned.

Oh no, not again.

I opened my eyes and visions began to flash, little clips of Kyra. Many of them had my least favorite Englishman in them. At first it was just moments in their conversations. Then I started to get real mad. I saw them kiss. I wanted it to stop so bad, moments and moments of them kissing began to flash. It was like living your worst nightmare over and over. Then they stopped and I saw her and......Elizabeth? Climbing over the ship railing.

That can't be right, right? She would never attempt such a stup-

          "Leon!" Her voice rang in my ears.

I stand corrected.

I felt her shake my body, trying to wake me, "Leon, SNAP OUT OF IT!"

My body jerked and I gasped as I opened up my eyes. There she was, sitting in front of me. Concern etched into her face.

          "Kyra, what are you thinking?" I instinctively scolded.

          "That's it? I save you from captivity and you scold me? What about a thank your order a hug?"

I gave her a once over and the thoughts of her kissing Norrington flooded back, "I think I'll pass on that hug."

I stood up quickly and walked away from her. If you think I am going to sacrifice my love for Norrington germs, you thought wrong. I may love her, but it ain't worth that at all.


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