Chapter Twenty-Five - Madmen

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Leon's POV

          "Feast your eyes, Captain," Gibbs said as he gestured to the line of sailors that stood in front of us, "All of them faithful hands before the mast. Every man worth his salt and crazy to boot."

          "So this is your able-bodied crew?" Will asked.

          "Just great," I remarked shaking my head as I walked to prop up against one of the posts at the end of the dock, "Just perfect.

Jack and Will walked over to a man that had a parrot on his shoulder.

          "You, sailor," Jack said.

          "Cotton, sir," Gibbs said, not even giving the man a chance to give his name.

          "Mr. Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?" Jack asked the man.

The man didn't answer, he just looked at Gibbs.

          "Mr. Cotton! Answer man!" Jack exclaimed.

          "He's a mute sir," Mr. Gibbs cut in, "Poor devil had his tongue cut out. So he trained the parrot to talk for him."

          "No one's yet figured how," Mr. Gibbs said as if it was more of an afterthought.

          "Mr. Cotton's parrot," Jack said looking at the green bird, "Same question."

I had to stifle a laugh, there's no way Jack Sparrow just asked a parrot a question.

          "Wind in the sails, wind in the sails," The parrot squawked and my jaw dropped. The bloody thing answered him.

'The hell is that supposed to mean,' I thought.

          "Mostly we figure that means 'yes'," Mr. Gibbs said.

          "Of course it does," Jack said before turning around and looking at Will, "Satisfied?"

          "Well, you've proved they're mad," Will scoffed.

I chuckled lightly which earned me a slight glare from Jack.

          "And what's the benefit for us?" A female voice asked.

I raised up slightly to see who the woman was, it wasn't very common for a woman to be a sailor or pirate....that is not unless your last name is Barbossa.

          "Anamaria," Jack said as he took her hat off her head.

The woman slapped jack, causing me to burst out in laughter. That was the third woman in less than twenty-four hours that has slapped Jack.

          "I suppose you didn't deserve that one either?" Will teased.

          "No, that one I deserved," Jack admitted.

          "You stole my boat!" The woman said in an angry tone.


Anamaria slapped him again, Tortuga didn't seem as bad anymore.

          "Borrowed." Jack said, "Borrowed without permission with every intention of bringing it back to you."

          "But you didn't!" She exclaimed.

          "You'll get another one," Jack said.

         "I will." She said, putting her finger in his face.

          "A better one," Will said.

          "A better one," Jack repeated enthusiastically to her.

          "That one," Will said, pointing to the Dauntless.

'You've got to be kidding me,'

          "What one?" Jack asked confused as he turned to look at Will.

Will used his head and eyes to motion towards the Dauntless so that jack would understand what he was talking about.

          "That one?!" Jack asked through gritted teeth.

          "Aye, that one," Jack reluctantly agreed after Will gave him a pointed look.

          "What say you?" Jack asked, his question was more geared towards all of the sailors.

          "Aye, Aye!" They all cheered in unison. I pushed myself off the post and walked over to the other three.

          "No, no, no, no," Mr. Gibbs said as all of the new crew walked past them, "It's frightful bad luck to bring a woman on board, sir."

Jack looked warily at the sky, almost as if he was afraid something would fall from it.

          "It'll be far worse not to have her," he said before quickly turning and walking away.

Will and Mr. Gibbs both looked into the air as if they were looking for something that they thought he had seen.

          "Pinheads," I muttered before following after Jack, they really were gullible.


          The storm raged ferociously as we sailed through it, it had been hours since we had departed from Tortuga with our new crew to the Isla de Muerta and we had gotten caught in a storm. People were running around the deck, tightening and loosening the sails that needed it. Water rushed over the sides, knocking people over. Mr. Gibbs, Will, and I were tying down one of the sails when water rushed over, knocking us down. Thankfully Will had a tight grip on the rope so we were able to continue what we were doing.

          "How can we sail to an island that nobody can find? With a compass that doesn't even work?" Will shouted over the sound of the storm and rough water.

          "Aye, the compass doesn't point north," Mr. Gibbs shouted back as we pulled and tied the rope, "But we're not trying to find north are we?"

Mr.Gibbs ran off towards the top deck where Jack was and Will turned towards me.

          "I don't think we're going to make it off this boat alive, Leon." He laughed, "We are sailing with madmen."

          "They aren't all madmen," I replied with a smirk, "Anamaria is a woman."

Will smacked me harshly on the back of the head.

          "Hey, what was that for?!" I asked, rubbing my head.

Will laughed before running off and finding something else to do. I, on the other hand, was extremely exhausted so I disappeared underneath the deck and into the crew's quarter, they could handle the ship themselves.


Kyra's POV

          I woke up abruptly due to me sliding off the bed and hitting my head on Norrington's dresser.

          "What the bloody hell!" I yelled before getting off the floor and running to the window.

          "Shit," I mumbled, seeing the huge storm outside, the rough waters were swaying the boat intensely.

I got up from the bench and quickly tugged on my boots, I was going to go offer my help. I made sure to take out my sword and dagger and lay them on the bed so that they wouldn't get swept by the sea at any point before running out of James' room and through the corridor and to the stairs. I already knew that James would be pissed if I tried to help, but I was determined to at least try.

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