Chapter Five - Will's obsession

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          The next morning came quicker than expected. The sun light burned through my eye lids, forcing me to awaken and blink the blindness away. I yawned and stretched as I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, I hadn't even remembered falling asleep from the beginning. I spent the whole night thinking about the commodore, it was slowly starting to annoy me how much of an impression the man had left on me. I slowly stood up and looked around the room for Will. There was no sign of him so I started to look around.

          "Will?!" I exclaimed "Will, where are you?"

          "He's at the governor's house." A raspy voice said from the other corner.

The drunken blacksmith was soaking down another bottle of moon shine.

          "Oh thank you." I replied, mentally scolding myself for not remembering that Will had told me that he would be reporting to the Governor's house yesterday.

          "Anytime —hiccup— lass." The man said before sinking farther into the floor and falling to sleep.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the washroom to draw some water. I waited until the tub filled before stripping my dress off and sinking into the bath. Unlike most women, I didn't take my time to enjoy the warm water instead, I hurriedly washed and stepped out. I grabbed a clean dress that Theodore had bought for me so that I would have the appearance of a "proper" woman. I began fixing my hair and it wasn't until then that the realization of how much I had adapted to this life of normalcy, it was very agitating. I deeply missed the feeling of the waves as it rocked the black Pearl underneath my feet. I missed that ship so much and I missed my father even more, but I promised I wouldn't leave Leon and it would take a while before Leon would consider becoming a full pirate like his father. Sighing, I left the washroom and the shop to find Will.


I had been wandering the dirt road streets or Port Royal for two long hours, just studying the scenery and how people lived their lives. I continued walking along a dirt road when I noticed Will walking back with a saddened face.

"Will!" I exclaimed.

Will looked up at me and gave me a small smile before resuming his gloomy expression.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, concern filling my head.

In the few weeks that I had been here in Port Royal, I had grown very close to Will and I considered him a great friend.

"No." He replied shortly.

"What has happened? No has gotten hurt have they?" I asked in a mild panic.

          "No, no one has been injured, at least not externally anyways." He said sounding a bit bitter.

          "Oh, than what has caused you to look so upset?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

          "Elizabeth." Will muttered.

I immediately rolled my eyes. Elizabeth Swann was the governors daughter and Will's favorite obsession. He constantly mentioned her, whether it be a nonchalant comment or a memory, he always had something positive or lovey-dovey to say about her.

          "What about her?" I asked.

          "I believe I embarrassed her in front of her father." He said, his face gave off a look of confusion.

          "What makes you think that?"

          "Elizabeth has always called me by my first name and I always call her Miss Swann. She always asks me to call her Elizabeth, but I can never bring myself to do, I fear that if I did, I'd show signs that I fancy her to her father." Will explained.

          "Will, I don't mean to interrupt, but everyone in Port Royal is aware of your liking for Elizabeth. You don't hide your fascination for the girl very well." I chuckled.

Will rolled his eyes and shook his head at me.

          "Anyways," Will said, looking quite annoyed with my comment "Today was no different, she greeted me as Will and I called her Miss Swann, but this time her father made a comment about her lack of propriety versus mine. Then she called me "Mr Turner"."

          "Will, that wasn't your fault. Elizabeth is a woman of high social status, her sense of propriety should be anything but lacking." I explained "It isn't your fault that you have more manners than that high priced harlot."

          "She's not a harlot, Kyra." Will snapped.

"And I'm the king's niece. Look Will, all I'm saying is that you can not blame yourself for others faults. It isn't your job."

"I know." Will replied.

"Do you really?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

Will looked down at his boots silently.

"Right." I said "I'm going to look for Leon, I've grown very bored and you seem very occupied with your thoughts. I'll see you later."

I walked passed Will and began looking for Leon.

"Wait, Kyra!" Will exclaimed.

"Yes?" I asked, turning around quickly.

"Are you going to Norrington's promotion?"

"Is that a serious question?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why of course it is." Will replied.

"Please tell me you're joking." I said with a light chuckle.

"I'm not joking Kyra, he really seems to fancy you. The least you could do it attend his promotion ceremony." Will explained.

"Will, we both know that he doesn't actually fancy me. He, just like the rest of young men in the town, fancy only one woman and that woman is your lovely Elizabeth Swann. Besides look at me Will, I'm not exactly his type love." I replied, "I would only be fooling myself by showing up to his promotion."

"It wouldn't hurt to attend though, even if that was true, you won't know unless you go."

"I'm not going Will." I replied shortly.

"Fine fine, it was just a suggestion." Will said holding his hands up in defense.

I rolled my eyes and laugh, "Goodbye Turner, I'll see you later."

"Goodbye Kyra." He smiled before heading off towards his shop.

I chuckled one last time before heading off to find Leon. I needed something to take my mind of the Commodore and being around Leon and his none-sense was just the thing.

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