Its meeeeeee

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          Hey y'all, I just want to start off by apologizing for taking so long to update. I've been so busy and I feel awful bc if you're like me, then reading is the best thing ever!! I feel bad for neglecting y'all's Norrington fix....I will do better 🥺

Secondly, I also want to apologize for denying smut 😭
I know there have been many times were I basically held the idea out in front of you guys and then veered off a different direction. My bad.....hehehe.....we will get there!

Thirdly, if you guys have any ideas or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!! If you haven't noticed by the title, there will be multiple stories starring our favorite sisters. Eventually everyone will get somewhat of a happy ending, well almost everyone...

Fourthly, I really appreciate all the amazing and comical comments hahaha. I don't know what I have done to earn such awesome feedback but I genuinely appreciate it.

Fifthly, I know that with the summer starting, everyone hits a mental block. If you guys ever need to talk, cry, whine, rant, or complain, I am here to listen!!

Sixthly?? If you guys haven't figured it out yet (SPOILER ALERT) I HATE ELIZABETH WITH A PASSION. Crazy right?! I am basically giving each of the characters a partner they deserve, bc Elizabeth sucks and basically strung along Norrington, Jack, and Will and I aim to change that!

I love you guys with all my heart!! Thank you so much for being patient!!

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now