Chapter Twenty-One - Return to Tortuga

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Leon's POV

          We had arrived at Tortuga, the same godforsaken Island I had escaped from not too long ago. As always, guns were being fired constantly, everywhere you looked there was some sort of brawl or fistfight, drunken men and women wandered around, harlots were at every corner. This place was revolting to me, how my mother and father were able to settle down on an island like this will forever be a mystery. 

          "More importantly," Jack's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "it is a sad life that has never breathed deep this sweet bouquet that is Tortuga, savvy?"

I rolled my eyes at Jack as he talked to Will, "What do you think?" He asked.

          "It'll linger." That was all Will said, I had the feeling that he looked at Tortuga the same way I did.

          "I'll tell you, mate." Jack said, "If every town were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted."

Jack looked ahead and his eyes caught the sight of a woman who was walking towards us.

          "Scarlett!" Jack exclaimed.

The woman, instead of responding with kind words, slapped him across the face and sauntered off.

          "Not sure I deserved that," Jack said looking utterly confused.

          "Giselle," He said when he turned around to see a blonde woman.

          "Who was she?" The woman named Giselle asked.

          "What?" Jack asked like an idiot, Giselle slapped him too.

          "I may have deserved that," Jack said as Giselle walked away.

          "You think?" Will asked sarcastically.

          "Does Ace know about those two?" I asked with a sly smile.

Jack's face hardened and his eyes pierced through mine, "No and she never will."

Jack turned around and started walking away.

          "Ace, that's Kyra's older sister, isn't it?" Will asked.

          "Yes, she's Jack's girl," I replied.

          "Poor thing," Will sighed.

          "Come on now, we better catch up to him, "I said before I walked off into the direction that Jack was going.

When we caught up to Jack he was holding a bucket of water as he stood in front of a man who was laying in the mud with some pigs. Jack grinned before throwing the water onto the man.

The man gasped loudly before sitting up, "Curse you for breathing you slack-jawed idiot!" the man exclaimed.

          "Mother's love," the man said once he spotted Jack, "Jack, ye should know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping. It's bad luck."

          "Ah, but fortunately, I know how to counter it," Jack said as he moved closer to the man, "The man who did the waking buys the man, who was sleeping, a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking."

Jack's words took a moment to understand, it seemed I wanted the only one who struggled to understand his madness since the man took a long moment to process what he had said.

          "Aye, that'll about do it." The man finally replied as Jack helped the man up and then walked back to stand beside Will once more.

After Jack had gotten out of the way, Will threw the remaining water back onto the man.

          "Blast, I'm already awake!" The man yelled.

          "That was for the smell," Will admitted.

The man nodded in agreement and the four of us headed off to a bar.


Jack's POV

          "Keep a sharp eye," I said to Leon and Will as they stood by a post in the noisy bar.

I passed them by and took a seat across from Gibb's.

          "Now, what's the nature of this 'venture your'n?" Gibbs asked.

          "I'm going after the Black Pearl," I replied, causing Gibbs to choke on his drink, "I know where it's going to be, and I'm gonna take it."

          "Jack, it's a fool's errand." Gibbs said, "You know better than me the tales of the Black Pearl."

          "That's why I know what Barbossa is up to, " I admitted, "All I need is a crew."

          "From what I hear of Barbossa, he's not a man to suffer fools, nor strike a bargain with one," Gibbs said.

          "Well, then I say it's a very good thing I'm not a fool then, eh?" I replied.

          "Prove me wrong," Gibbs demanded, "What makes you think Barbossa will give up his ship to you? He already despises you enough since you've captured his daughter's heart."

          "Let's just say it's a matter of leverage and Ace has nothing to do with this."

          "Huh?" Gibbs asked.

I attempted to signal, with my head, towards Will. It took a few tries before he finally understood what I was hinting at.

          "The kid?" He asked in confusion.

I nodded for confirmation, "That is the child of Bootstrap Bill Turner, his only child. Savvy?"

          "Is he now?" Gibbs asked looking over at the young man, "Leverage says you, I think I feel a change in the wind says I."

          "I'll find us a crew," Gibbs said, "There's bound to be some sailors on this rock as crazy as you."

          "One can only hope," I replied, holding my cup up, "Take what you can,"

          "Give nothing back," Gibbs replied, clinking his cup against mine before we downed the rum and slammed our cups onto the table.


Aboard the Black Pearl, 3rd person view

          Aboard the Black Pearl, Elizabeth Swann paced reverently as a million thoughts ran through her head. Where were they going? Were they going to kill her? Would she ever see her father again? Did her father even notice she was gone? Suddenly, the doors to the room she was in opened and the two pirates that had brought her onto the ship walked in carrying a dress.

          "You'll be dining with the Captain and his daughters," One of the pirates spoke, "And he requests that you wear this."

          "Well, you tell your captain that I am disinclined to acquiesce his request," Elizabeth said smartly.

          "He said you'd say that," The pirate spoke again, "He also said that if that be the case, you'd be dining with the crew.....and you'll be naked."

She looked frighteningly at the men as they laughed, Elizabeth ripped the dress from the pirates and gave them a pointed look.

          "Fine." The pirate said sternly before the two of them exited the room, allowing Elizabeth to change.

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