Chapter Twenty-Eight - The mystery of Captain Jack Sparrow's greatest escape

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The storm raged on as Elizabeth was from the window, she wasn't sure what would happen to her nor was she able to comprehend the entire concept of the ghoulish pirates that had her as their prisoner. this was entirely her fault, if she hadn't given them the name Turner and included her safe return in her deal with Barbossa, then she would be safely home. Of course, she didn't see it that way—Elizabeth saw it as she was captured entirely whether she invoked the code or not.

As the storm raged, the door slid open. She took a few steps back, bracing herself for whatever would appear, to her surprise, it was one of Barbossa's daughters.                                               "Frightful, isn't it?" Davina said as she walked over to the window, "Storms are a common phenomenon and yet, I have never grown to fear them any less."                               
       "I'm not a fan of the storms either, I must admit," Elizabeth responded quietly.
Davina hummed in agreement as she stared at the grey swirling skies.     

"How can you stand it?" Elizabeth asked, her confidence restored, "Being a pirate, stealing and killing the way you do."

Davina turned to look at the girl, her eyebrow raising slightly.    

"I could ask you the same question."

"Pardon?" Elizabeth asked, taken aback by the question.          

"Forced to wear dresses, limit your intake of the limitless array of food, speak only when spoken to, attend boring balls and galas. How can one subject themselves to that lifestyle, you've no freedom."

"You call this freedom?" Elizabeth shot back, "You're a pirate. An outlaw. You step foot on any island and you're immediately forced into hiding, blending in with the shadows and taking things that do not belong to you. Make any wrong move or cause a scene and you're walking straight to the gallows. How is that freedom?"

"Touché," Davina chuckled, "It appears that neither one of us know freedom."           

"It appears so," Elizabeth agreed.

"You are wrong about one particular detail," Davina admitted, "I do not kill. My father and his crew may be comfortable with taking a life, but I am not."

"And your sisters? Are they comfortable with taking a life?"              

"A few. Norine is too busy reading and watching the stars to even consider it. Veda is too concerned with men to kill them. Kyra is capable of it and has the experience, but it is not something she enjoys. She avoids it at all costs."    

"What about Rory and Ace?"

"Ace has the most experience and is, dare I say, very good at it, but she won't do it unless she is provoked or our father or her husband asks her to. Rory, however, is quite fond of it. She's very easy to anger and is prone to tantrums, tantrums that can cost you your life." Davina explained.

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