Chapter Thirty-Four - Take a Walk

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Aboard the Black Pearl

          "Do you think it'll work?" Veda asked as she and her sisters climbed into a row boat.

          "It depends," Norine replied.

"On?" Veda pressed.

"If we've got the right Turner." Norine explained.

"And if we don't?"

"Then we gut him." Rory interrupted with a sinister smile, "Its a win win."

"For arguments sake, let's say that he really isn't the right Turner, are we really going to let Rory gut him? What will we do about the navy men?" Davina inquired.

"I suppose it'll all be for nothing and we'd all die screaming." Norine put plainly as if it hadn't bothered her at all.

"That won't happen." Ace scolded, "We have the right Turner."

"Is it true?" Veda asked, looking at the water, "Is Kyra really on that other ship?"

The sisters all turned to Ace, all wondering the same thing.

"I pray for her sake she isn't." Ace said before ending the conversation by rowing the boat towards the island once more.
Isla de la muerta

"No reason to fret." Pintel said as he and Ragetti led Will into the cave behind Barbossa, "Just a prick of the finger, a few drops of blood."

"No mistakes this time," One of the pirates behind them said, "he's only have Turner, we spill it all!"

The pirate grabbed Will and pushed him forward, leaving Ragetti and Pintel behind.

"Guess there is reason to fret," Pintel said, causing Ragetti to snicker.

Once again, the pirates gathered around the mountain of gold where the chest sat. They all chanted and shouted with excitement as Barbossa stood atop with Will.

"Beg your pardon, beg you pardon," Sparrow kept repeating as he pushed through the crowd. Towards the mountain of gold.

"Begun by blood," Barbossa began the chant, "by blood and-"

Barbossa stopped the moment his eyes sat on Jack. Unbeknownst to him, he wasn't the only one shocked to see him. Behind Barbossa stood Ace. Her eyes were wide and her body went numb. Rory stood beside Ace and grabbed her hand to comfort her.

"Jack!" Will whisper-yelled.

"Not possible." Barbossa said.

"Not probable." Jack corrected.

"Where's Elizabeth?" Will asked.

"She's safe, just like I promised." Jack said as he was grabbed by one of the pirates, "She's all set to marry Norrington like she promised and you get to die for her, just like you promised. So we're all men of our word really. Except Elizabeth who is in fact a woman."

"Shut up," Barbossa scolded, "you're next."

"No!" Ace yelled.

"Ace," Rory said in a warning tone.

Jack's eyes met Ace's and he froze. He hadn't thought he'd ever see her again and yet here she was. Standing right in front of him.

"Ace," He whispered.

"Jack." She replied, sounding happy, but bitter.

"Stay out of this." Barbossa shouted at Ace before waving at his men to resume their positions in holding Will.

Barbossa walked over to Will and held his knife to his throat.

"You don't want to be doing that, mate." Jack interrupted.

"No, I really think I do." Barbossa said gravely.

"Your funeral." Jack respond, crossing his hands and looking around.

Barbossa rolled his eyes and stood up, "Why don't I want to be doing it?"

"Oh, because," Jack began to say, stopping to swat the pirates hand off him, "Because the HMS Dauntless, pride of the Royal navy, is floating just offshore, waiting for you."

Murmurs were heard from the crowd of pirates. Looks were shared between the Barbossa sisters, except from Ace who couldn't take her eyes of off Jack.

"Just hear me out mate," Jack said, standing from atop the pile, "Order your men to row out to the Dauntless, they do what they do best. Robert's your uncle, Fannie's your aunt, there you are with two ships. The makings of your very own fleet. Of course, you'll take the grandest as your flag ship, and who's to argue? But what about the Pearl? Make me Captain, I'll sail under your colors with my wife, your daughter, as first mate. I'll give you ten percent of me plunder and you get to introduce yourself as Commodore Barbossa. Savvy?"

Barbossa looked back at Ace, studying her expression as she watched them.

"I suppose in exchange, you wanted me not to kill the whelp?" Barbossa, sharing a glare with Will.

"Not at all. By all means, kill the whelp," Jack replied, turning to look Will in the eyes"Just not yet. Wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment."

"For instance," Jack said looking at Barbossa and picking up some gold coins, "After you've killed Norrington's men. Every. Last. One."

Jack dropped a gold coin after every word to emphasize his point. No one, but Will noticed Jack slipping the last coin in his sleeve. Will understood what was going on and decided to add some flare of his own.

"You've been planning this all along," Will spoke, attempting to pull himself free, "ever since you learned my name."

"Yeah." Jack put simply.

"I want fifty percent of your plunder." Barbossa finally spoke.

"Fifteen!" Jack argued.

"Forty." Barbossa corrected.

"Twenty-five, and I'll buy you the hat. A really big one. Commodore." Jack smirked.

Barbossa smiled and looked up at Ace while sticking his hand out towards Jack, "We have an accord."

"All hands to the boats!" Jack exclaimed, earning a glare from Barbossa.

Realizing his mistake, Jack turned his head towards Barbossa, "Apologies. You give the orders."

"Gents! Take a walk!"

The crowd of pirates began to hollar as they turned to exit the island and take the Dauntless. Barbossa turned towards Jack with a stern face. He looked over at Ace and then back at Jack, "Go on then."

Jack patted Will's shoulder while walking right passed him and towards Ace. He picked her up and spun her as she erupted into laughter. Veda took this opportunity to talk to will.

"Are you a navy man?" She asked.

"No," he replied shaking his head.

"Hmm, disappointing." And with that she returned at her sisters side with a fake smile.

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now