Chapter Six - Jack.....

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          I searched for hours at a time for Leon and had no luck. I looked throughout the whole town over and over, looking at every potential hide out and small space that Leon could be in. I needed someone to entertain me and Leon is the only one qualified to do that. After exhausting my search in the town, I decided to do a quick sweep over the docks. I walked passed many soldiers as they left the boats for Norrington's promotion. I tried to slip passed unnoticed, but I was stopped by a few soldiers and had to engage in a boring conversation. I walked over to part of the dock and immediately felt a wave of reassurance flow over me.

          "Leon!" I called, running over to him.

Leon didn't answer, he just stood at the edge of the dock looking out to the water.
I slowed to a walk and steadily approached him.

          "Leon?" I asked, setting my hand on his shoulder.

          "They're going to come for you. I can feel it." Leon whispered, his pale blue eyes not breaking from the water.

          "They? Leon what are you talking about?" I asked confused.

          "It's here." He said, his eyes shifting to meet mine "The last coin."

          "Leon, what coin?" I asked.

His eyes suddenly turned from the pale blue to deep purple.

          "Leon, not here. Snap out of it." I said shaking him as he closed his eyes.

          "She's going to fall. Kyra hurry, go to the farthest dock, the one closest to the jagged rocks. Hurry!" He exclaimed.

Leon fell backwards onto the dock, causing me to crouch down beside him.

          "Leon, wake up. Who's falling?!" I asked shaking him.

That's when I heard a loud splash. I immediately jumped up and ran to the deck he mentioned. As soon as I reached it I was met by two soldiers.

          "What happened!" I asked.

          "Miss Swann fell off the cliff, miss." One of the soldiers admitted, as he struggled to hold the items he had.

"Always Elizabeth" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

          "You're not supposed to tell civilians! Not until after the crisis is averted!" The other exclaimed.

          "Well, is anyone going to help her?!" I asked, annoyance very clear in my voice.

          "Yes, a man jumped in after her." One of the soldiers replied.

I nodded before fixing my gaze on the items the soldier held.

"Sir, whose items are those?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They belong to the man that jumped in after Elizabeth." He replied.

"Did you happen to catch his name?"

"No miss, why?"

Before I could answer the soldiers question, Elizabeth was tossed on to the dock followed by a man that I hadn't seen in a very long time.

"Jack?" I asked, surprise hitting me harder than a ship hitting jagged rocks.

"You've got to be kidding." Jack mumbled as his eyes met mine.

"What in hell are you doing here?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

"The better question is, what are you doing here?!" Jack replied.

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