Chapter Thirty-Nine - "I'd hardly call that epic"

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          "I must admit Jack, I thought I had you figured." Barbossa said, watching as Jack rifled through the treasures, "It turns out you're a hard man to predict."

          "Me? I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest." Jack explained in his own, whimsical way, "Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do  something incredibly.... stupid."

Jack paused for a moment and looked Will in the eyes before kicking the man that stood beside him and stealing his sword. He quickly tossed the sword to Will, who caught it swing around to face his captor, knocking him to the side. Barbossa stood and readied his sword as he charged after Jack. Will's captor swung back around and went to cut him but missed and ended up cutting Will loose. The four engage in a tense battle while the women watched from the sidelines.

          "You leave men alone for two minutes and they go and do this." Norine said, not writing in her journal for once.

          "This has to be one of the most boring fights I have ever seen," Rory said, scrunching her face up.

          "Should we intervene?" Davina asked, looking at Ace.

         "We should......but it's too amusing from here." Ace replied.

          "You're off the edge of the map mate," Barbossa said looking at Jack, "Here there be monsters."

They watched as Barbossa and Jacks fight went up towards a ledge in the cave. Barbossa has cornered Jack between himself and a large rock, kicking him in the face. Jack landed on the rock and looked up at Barbossa.

          "You can't beat me, Jack." Barbossa declared.

Jack quickly got up and ran towards Barbossa, stabbing him in the chest, "Aha!" He said triumphantly.

Barbossa looked down at his wound before sighing unenthusiastically and stabbing Jack through the torso. Jack staggered back, choking as he walked into the light of the moon that seeped through the cave. Barbossa gasped as he watched Jack become a skeletal man.

          "That's interesting." Jack said, looking at his hand.

Will, who had just knocked out his last adversary looked up to see Jack as a skeleton and wore a puzzled expression.

          "How did he-?" Veda asked, confused as ever.

Jack hummed as he twirled a fools coin through his fingers.

Ace let out a chuckle before turning to her shocked sisters, "He stole that ages ago."

          "I couldn't resist, mate." Jack said simply.

Barbossa let out a slight hissing sound before throwing gold coins at Jack and charging with his sword.

          "Heavens, will this ever end?" Veda whined.

The next few minutes were a blur of clanging swords, rolling (Barbossa mostly), stabbing, and banging heads on cavern walls (Also Barbossa). Jack finally cornered Barbossa against a rock this time.

          "So what now Jack Sparrow?" Barbossa asked sarcastically, "Are we to be two immortals locked in an epic battle until judgement day when the trumpets sound?"

          "I'd hardly call it epic," Rory whispered to Ace who stifled a laugh.

          "Or you could surrender." Jack suggested as Barbossa lept towards him.
          KYRA'S POV

         "So what now?" Elizabeth asked as the two of them crouched down, watching the skeletal pirates.

I looked up to see a raft and that's when I had an idea.

          "Follow my lead."

Elizabeth and I each grabbed a rope and waited until the pirates were in the perfect position. Once they were, I nodded to Elizabeth and we both loosened the ropes on sync.The raft came down and slung the pirates clean off the boat. Jack's crew all rejoiced as the pirates fell to the ocean.

          "Not bad for a whelp," I joked, looking at Elizabeth.

         "Why thank you," Elizabeth replied with a dramatic bow.

We joined the crowd and this is where I wish I hadn't been there....

          "All of you with me!" Elizabeth yelled, "Will is in that cave and we must save him!"

I face palmed as I watched her, is she serious?

          "Ready and heave!"

I felt embarrassed for her, you can't just expect a group of pirates to save one of your many supposed lovers just because you saved them ONCE.

When it finally hit her that no one was helping, she turned to face us, "Please, I need your help, come on!"

          "Squawk, any port in the storm,"  Cotton's bird squawked.

          "Cottman's right," Gibbs said, "We've got the pearl."

          "And what about Jack, are you just going to leave him?" She asked, speechless.

I snickered and propped up against the railing, watching there faces.

          "Jack owes us a ship," Marty added.

          "And there's the code to consider," Gibbs said as if Elizabeth knew what that was.

          "The code?" She gasped with surprise, "You're pirates, hang the code and hang the rules! They're more like guidelines anyway!"

They all shuffled and traded glances, this is quite amusing.

          "Are you going to come with me at least?" Elizabeth asked, looking in my direction.

I scoffed and shook my head, "You're on your own."

          "No she's not." Leon burst, sending me a glare, "I'll go."

This is the second time he's glared at me, might I add, something is off.

          "Leon, don't be stupid," I laughed, "Let her fight her own battles."

          "Will is my friend, don't you have your commodore to go back to anyways?" He barked.

The bloody hell is his problem?

          "Your funeral." I said plainly, before jumping over the railing and into the raft we had used earlier.

At least I am rid of that harlot.

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now