𝒲𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹.

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𝒞𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒶'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌.

2 weeks passed by so pleasantly and happily. 

I am 32 weeks pregnant, which is way longer than average she-wolf's pregnancy. However, in my case, it is nothing concerning since neither I nor William are normal wolves. In fact, there is high possibility of me bearing Lycans of royal blood with gifts alike to mine and my mate's. Our parents are delighted and so are people, no-one can hold back the excitement.

Over the last 2 weeks I was checked on by doctor and Ozrak every day 2-3 times since the such pregnancy is the first one to be encountered. For instance, she-wolves do not have any particular need in something specific, like food or drinks, but I do. I am obsessed with raspberries and hot chocolate, under any circumstances I can go a day without those. One more thing is that she-wolves preserve the energy, they sleep longer, do not work that much. I cannot sit still in my place: runs, jogs, walks, workouts, yoga - anything as long as it is not sitting. 

I don't gain weight that much. Actually, I gained a few pounds at most. My diet is clean and i am very active, so I think that it is main reason why it is that way. Either way, twins and I are utterly healthy.

I am doing very well, baby bump is big and our pups are developing wonderfully. Willy and I feel the bond that is stronger than ever. We spend quality time with each other, away from hustle and bustle just to be with each other, doing whatever we feel like. 

At the moment I am waiting for my mate to come back from the study, where he had some tasks at hand. 

In a few minutes I sensed him going to our bedroom and grin formed on my face. 

"Hello, mi amor."- chuckled beautifully Willy, laying down next to me. 

"Hello, handsome."- I chirped happily, eagerly snuggling into him as he cuddled me as little spoon. 

Even though my belly is big, I still look tiny next to William, hence why cuddling is as soothing, comfortable and cosy as it used to be. His muscular arms cover my frame completely, making me feel safer than ever. 

"How are our little ones, mi mariposa? Do you need anything?"- he wondered lovingly, caressing my belly with one hand, feeling kicks here and there at what we smiled brightly. 

"A kiss."- I said contentedly, giggling when he kissed my neck up and down, slowly trailing his feathery kisses to my lips. 

I turned around and he wasted no time to kiss me fondly, securing me in his adoring embrace. My arms wrapped around his neck as I pulled him closer, both of us smiling in joy and pride. 

"I love you with all my heart, mi vida."- stated meaningfully my mate, pecking me tenderly. 

"I love you very much, Willy."- I spoke softly and profoundly, twirling his chocolate brown hair around my fingers. 

He cuddled me gently and protectively, rubbing my back lightly, making me fall asleep in matter of minutes. 

4 in the morning.

"Is everything alright, mi àngel?"- asked my mate in care as his velvety voice sounded gruffer, coarser, lower. 

I sat up, pouting in discomfort. He sat up and hugged me when I snuggled into him. William kissed my cheek while I rubbed my baby bump in big circular motions. 

"I think, I am about to give birth."- I said softly, feeling all signs of the labor. 

William mind-linked the doctor, never letting me out of his sight and embrace. In matter of minutes doctor Jupiter was right here, checking on me attentively and carefully. 

The housekeepers brought everything the doctor asked for, preparing for the birth of our twins. I clung to my mate, all of a sudden feeling so hot and uncomfortable. His skin rolled down my burning one, making it all much easier to bear. 

"Your Highness, lay down, please."- said assuringly doctor Jupiter with comforting smile and I whimpered, detaching from Willy. 

I listened to the doctor, holding my husband's hand tightly as pain got sharper. Minute later and all I could process was that I have to push.

It was hard, painful, but seemed much easier with William by my side, soothing me down and tending to me every minute, comforting me tenderly and lovingly. 

"Your Highness, one more time."- encouraged doctor as my nails dug into my mate's hand. 

Loud cries filled the room and that was all it took for my eyes to water. 

"Congratulation on your healthy son and daughter, Your Majesties."- stated in joy Jupiter, giving me our baby girl as William took our son, giving him skin-to-skin contact. 

Egyptian blue eyes watered as he tenderly held our baby, smiling so happily and proudly. 

"They are beautiful."- I almost whispered, blinking away tears. 

"They are perfect, amore mio."- said in utmost adoration Willy, smiling warmly at our babies. 

He kissed me fondly and gently, making my heat flutter in pure delight. 

"Thank you, mi reina. You made me the happiest man in the world."- he stated profoundly, laying feathery kiss on my forehead as I smiled brightly. 

𝒲𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝒶𝓂'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌.

I am a husband to the most breathtaking, the most incredible woman in the world and she made a father to the most beautiful twins.

Our son, the firstborn, is sublime copy of me: brown hair, Egyptian blue eyes, my nose, lips and dimples. Our daughter is enchanting mini-version of her prepossessing mother: honey blonde hair; magical, icy blue eyes; small, very cute and lightly-up turned nose; plump, full, rosy lips; the lights and the most gorgeous coat of freckles on her cheeks and nose.

They are flawless. Our amazing babies. 

My heart is soaring and fluttering in love, adoration, gratitude, joy and pride. I love our twins and I cannot possibly tell how much I adore my mate for blessing me with such precious gift of life. 

My little love and I looked after our children - cleaning up and dressing. Then she fed them at the same time. I gently hugged her from the side, grinning in so much euphoria. 

Names came to us naturally as we didn't even doubt our choices. My mate's and mine last names, our legacy and blood, tied in one.

Rowen Harry Williams-Alarie and Aurora Rosaline Williams-Alarie. 

~ The End ~

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