𝒞𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝒾𝓉 𝓊𝓅.

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𝒲𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝒶𝓂'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌.

It has been four fucking days of agony and torture. 

I miss my mate so much. 

I refuse to eat, sleep, leave the room or do anything in general. Leonardo and dad are in charge for now. I know that people can feel numbness of mi reina's bond with them and I blocked my side.

Every minute that passed by, I was by mi amor's side, holding her securely, afraid that if I let go, she will disappear. I held onto her for life, keeping her in my arms, away from harm. 

The fever got easier and sometimes, I felt my angel squeeze my hand very lightly, but Goddess, it helped me to remain sane and hopeful. 

"Your Highness, I am very sorry to bother, but it is regarding the cellar number 100."- spoke very carefully one of the guards. I made it clear that no-fucking-one talks to me, unless it is extreme emergency that only I can solve. 

"Go on."- I said and continued stroking my beloved's cheek. In that cellar sits the bitchiest person on the Earth. 

"The prisoner behaves suspiciously. She keeps repeating Her Highness's name and some sort of spell."- explained the guard.

"I will be there as soon as I can. Thank you."- I replied, dismissing him. 

I mind linked Agatha, asking to keep an eye on my princess. I got dressed very quickly, putting on black jeans, black t-shirt and matching sneakers. I went back to my little love and cradled her, soothing down light form of fever. 

"Please, mi belleza. I need you."- I whispered and kissed her cheek. 

Quickly, Agatha came, but I couldn't find courage in me to leave my mate, especially since I have no idea whether it will trigger the fever further.

"Your Highness, you will be back soon and I will keep close eye on Her Highness."- reassured me Agatha and I sighed. 

I laid my angel down and tucked her in. I kissed her nose, whispered how much I love her and hurried to the prison, not being in the mood to waste my time.

"Your Highness."- bowed the gate guards and opened them for me. I nodded in acknowledgement and proceeded inside. Kyle and Matthew are already here. 

"You look like shit."- stated somewhat sympathetically Matthew. 

"I feel like one too."- I replied and we began walking to the cellar. 

I will feel better once mi amor looks me in the eyes with that breathtaking smile of hers, once I feel her dainty arms wrap around me, once I hear those sweet giggles and silvery laugh, once her honeyed lips meet mine, once I hear her heavily voice. 

I smirked at how fucking pathetic that bitch looks: she is sitting in the corner of the room, shaking and looking like she's gone even more mad than she was before; her clothes, which do very bad job at covering her skin from cold, are dirty and torn in some places; hair is messy and looks disgusting, but again, her entire appearance and personality match, so no wonder here. The darkness, the lack of food and water, along with sunlight, fresh air, communication did remarkable work. 

I turned on the light and we walked inside the cell with 8 guards. The hellcat jumped in unexpectedness and fear; her eyes widened as I made my way inside. 

Since I am fully mated and crowned, not only my appearance changed; my aura did too. 

"Y-you."- stuttered she-devil.

"You came t-to s-save me, I-I k-knew g-getting r-rid of her w-would do g-good."- muttered the bitch, making me growl menacingly and warningly. 

"I would never ever save you, in fact, I will be the one, who slaughters you. What did you do!?"- I growled out, getting her to tremble in fear. 

"S-she deserves to d-die! She took a-away everything f-from me!"- tried to sound threateningly bitch, failing miserably. I growled at her ominously, feeling Ignis creep outside with every second passing by. 

"You had nothing in the first place. The only person, who deserves to die is you."- I spat, meaning everything. 

The second she-devil began talking disrespectful about my little treasure, I lost it. Ignis took over me and I don't regret it, nor am I sorry for it. 

I leaped on her, gripping her by the collar of her sweater. 

"Any last fucking words?"- I growled out. 

"I hope you she was worth it. I hope you enjoy fucking her and-"- before she could even finish, I growled hazardously and ripped her apart.

"Clean it up."- I growled out and stormed out of the cell. I mind linked Kyle, telling him to send the body to her family; I despised that bitch, but not her family. They can do whatever with her, but since everyone knows about her crime, I doubt that they want her. 

I got in the car, fuming with anger and relief at the same time. The chauffeur drove me home. 

"Your Highness, you must hurry up. Her Highness is unwell."- stated through mind link Agatha, panic in her voice is obvious. I barked out command to drive faster and very quickly, I was back in the house. I dashed inside, rushing to my mate. I took off bloody t-shirt on my way. 

I bursts the doors open and swiftly wrapped my Catalina, who is breathing heavily, in my arms, growling when my skin made contact with her burning one. I did my best to cover as much area of her smooth skin as I could. 

A few minutes passed by and my little love began breathing steadily and skin gained normal temperature again. I kissed her cheek, pressing my own against it later. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting mi vida's sweet and alluring fragrance calm me down. 

I laid her on bed tenderly and placed one more kiss on her cheek before taking quick shower as I have blood on me. I put on underwear and rushed to my beloved. 

My back is leaning on the headboard, legs are slightly bend in knees and my beauty is in my arms. I wrapped both of us in covers and pressed her petite frame against myself. I felt my eyes watering. 

I miss my angel insanely; I need her more than I can possibly describe. These days without her were nothing, but tournaments for me. I am in desperate need to hear my Catalina's tender, loving, silvery voice and adorable giggles; I crave to relish in her embrace, just like I used to; I want to see her gorgeous and bright smile. 

I need my wife back. I need her to be by my side.

I kissed mi estrella's cheek, staining it with my tears. I pulled her impossibly closely, seeking her comforting touch. 

"Please, mi flor, I am begging you. I need you, mi belleza. Wake up, please."- I whispered, my voice sounds broken and anguished. 

I began stroking my princess's soft cheek, adding doting kisses on her forehead, never loosening my hold of her. 

I kept going all night long. 

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