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𝒞𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒶'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌.

I woke up at 6AM, missing certain pair of muscular, soft and gentle hands around me, making me pout and frown. I sat up on my bed and stretched my arms over my head. I took my phone and spotted a message from my mate, creating a pleased smile on my face.

"Good morning, mi flor ♡. How did you sleep?"- it said. Sweetly and thoughtfully, just like always.

"Good morning, Willy ♡. I slept better than expected thanks to you. What about you?"- I texted him. Shortly reply came in. 

"Same here, mi mariposa. I miss cuddling you."- replied Willy.

"You have no idea how much I miss your cozy and loving embrace, Willy."- I said, meaning every word.

"6 days left, mi amor. In 6 days I will get to love and cherish you. In 6 days I will get to hold and kiss you for the rest of our lives. ♡"- texted my mate, earning a grin from me.

"I'd love nothing more ♡."- I stated. 

William has training and a meeting, so he had to go, but not before we exacted I love you's and wished each other to have a good day.

I got out of bed, feeling nauseous because of the longing and still with no appetite. I forced myself to take a shower and wash my hair. I towel dried my hair, gently brushed it and left it loose to air dry, applied my lemon lotion all over my body, brushed my teeth and did my skin care. After that, I put on my underwear, black leggings, my mate's grey hoodie and grey, fluffy socks. 

I grabbed my phone and left the room. The guards bowed and had relived looks on their faces, happy smiles. I offered them a nod and a small smile in reply.

I entered the dining room, which I found with the help of one maid, and all eyes looked at me with great joy. 

"Oh, miracle!"- beamed in alleviation mother and rushed to hug me.

"We though you died there."- laughed Tara, Willow joined her. 

"Good morning, everyone."- I replied. 

Mom sat down at the table and they all went on with the breakfast. One look at the food, and I felt sick. However, I know that not eating is not an option, so I settled for a banana. 

"Honey, that is not enough. Why don't you have some toast or eggs?"- offered Bethany worriedly.

"No, thank you, Bethany. I am fine, really."- I reassured them. I sat down at the table and slowly ate my banana. 

"We have your dress appointment today miracle. Are you good to go?"- asked mother sweetly and I nodded. I could use a distraction. 

"I call the dibs on picking her lingerie and garter!"- screamed Willow. The guards, who are guarding from inside, became uncomfortable and I blushed like madwoman, shooting Willow a glare. Do they know how to keep some information private?!

"Girls, be quiet."- said warning Bethany, only for Tara and Willow laugh. 

They finished eating and we went to the stylists, seamstresses, jewellers. All of them took my measurements, asked about my idea and preferences, dislikes and colour pallets. 

Right now, I am laying on the sofa, legs bended, and I am texting William. He had his tuxedo appointment too. We discussed the details, colour scheme, furniture and style our future house that is already being constructed under attentive Willy's eye. 

"Cat, come back to us."- screamed Tara, snapping me out of my peaceful bubble. I pouted and looked at them.

"What is it?"- I asked, almost whined. 

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