𝐻𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝐼 𝑔𝑜.

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𝒞𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒶'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌.

New life. New opportunities. New people. New challenges.

In 5 days I will turn 18. I grew up in an orphanage; I have never met my real parents. It is like they are hiding or have never existed. Over the years I have proved that I can live on my own without other people's help. I have always been a well manner and kind girl, but a "weird one". Because of my eye colour and my wolf, Amare. I have never understood why they constantly point on my wolf, whisper, some laugh, other insult. That's is why I have only shifted twice. The first time - my fist shift ever and the second time - to protect myself from bullies.  Now I have a chance to start a new life and I plan to enjoy it.

Today is my fist day in the university of Politics and International Relations, where I got full scholarship. Bite me, but I have always felt like that will be good for me, like I need to know my way around it.

I got up earlier than needed, did my mourning skin care routine, worked out, had my tea and now it's time to get dressed. Look for the day:

It took me 25 minutes to get to the university

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It took me 25 minutes to get to the university. The building looks magnificent.

"Guess now I have my favourite spot where I will read"- I thought as I was looking at the dazzling purple tree

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"Guess now I have my favourite spot where I will read"- I thought as I was looking at the dazzling purple tree.

"Here I go."- I whispered to myself.

As I enter, I see lots of people and to surprise they all are werewolves.

"That is wonderful, Catalina! A new life. Go to the locker, I want to have a look around before the class starts."- said Amare and I immediately smiled.

"207, 208, 209...Finally, 210."- I whispered to myself. As I started  grabbing needed books, I felt all eyes on me. To say that I am not used to being the centre of attention, is an understatement. I don't hate it, but I don't like it either. I am quite shy and always keep to myself: all worries, fears, victories, losses and insecurities. I am a closed book. So, I did my very best to ignore all of them, but then someone closed my locker.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"- asked me slightly plump red-head.

I turned to face her and I noticed 2 girls standing behind her.

"Another ass-head. Let me out, Catalina. I will shove her where the sun doesn't shine!"- angrily said Amare, and as much as I would like to shove that girl I am not that weak as I look, I cannot let Amare out. She is very strong as it is. When she is angry-Amare is deadly.

"Amare, I cannot. I am sorry."- I said to her.

Now it is time to kill with kindness.

"Good morning. I am Catalina."- I said to the group of girl as I smiled.

"You are a fresh meat, ain't you."- said red-head.

She didn't question it, no, she said it as a matter of fact.

"What are your names, girls?"- I asked girls, who stood behind a rude werewolf and to say that they were shocked at my question is an understatement. I sincerely smiled at them.

"I am Polly."- said a short girl, with black hair.

"I am Rita."- said a taller girl with blue hair.

"It is a pleasure to meet you."- I said with a warm smile on my face and finally, two girls slightly, but smiled back.

"You don't talk without my permission. Did you forget that?!"- yelled at them red-head.

"I am Fiona and let me warn you, darling. I am the queen here. Got it?"- said Fiona.

"You cannot talk to them like that. They deserve respect. They did nothing wrong."-  Amare said coldly.

Fiona's eyes oped wide and did everyone else's eyes. As I pushed Amare in the back of my mind, my eyes started slowly gaining their regular light blue shade. No one noticed that as Amare speaking calmly, but coldly, doesn't change my eyes drastically.  Guess, no one put that Fiona in her place. Well, not my problem. Rita and Polly smiled at me as a sign of gratitude for defending them and I smiled back.

Luckily, the first bell rang.

"I have to go now. It was nice to meet you Rita, Polly and Fiona. Have a good day."

Every werewolf was shocked.

"My fist class - law. Classroom number 307."- I thought to myself.

As I was heading towards the class, a tall, slightly plump girl approached me.

"Um, hi."- I said shyly.

"OMG! You are absolutely drop dead dazzlingly gorgeous! Hi, I am Willow. What you did there it was so so so cool."- said Willow.

Her excitement made me a bit uncomfortable.

"It is nice to meet you, Willow. I am Catalina. And thank you." - said I ever shyer then before.

"I sense I made you a bit uncomfortable, sorry. I am just very happy that someone else isn't petrified of that bitch."

"It is alright."

"What is your first class?"


"Splendid. I take it we are in the same groups. Let's go, my new friend."

I giggled slightly. Willow seems nice.

"I need to go to the rest room, you go ahead. I will meet you there."


And I went to the rest room, feeling excited and overwhelmed at the same time.

I simply washed my hands, put on more lip gloss and headed out.

"It is time to show how smart you are, Catalina."- encouraged me Amare.

"I know you are strong and you will do just fine."

"Thank you, Amare."

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