𝒮𝒽𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒿𝑜𝓎 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓊𝓈.

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𝒞𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒶'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌.


I turned on my side and moved my hand to Willy's side. I frowned. My eyes lazily opened as my hand touched barely warm sheets. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to accommodate to my fairly dark surroundings.

I got up with the sheets wrapped around my body and slid my fluffy slippers on. I sniffed the air and followed the alluring scent that lead me all the way to the pool area.

I spotted my mate sitting on the sunbed with laptop on his lap. The frown is formed on his handsome face. Messy, bed hair and sleepy face.

I smiled lazily while walking to Willy. He sensed my presence because his head turned in my direction and frown was replaced with a charming smile. I claimed on a big sunbed behind my mate, wrapped my arms around his waist, covering us both with the warm covers as it is chilly outside.

"I am sorry for waking you up, mi flor."- said William and brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

"Don't be, Willy. You didn't wake me up."- I said softly and kissed his back.

"Is everything alright?"- I asked, listening to my mate typing on the keyboard. In reply my Willy sighed and after a few minutes closed the laptop. He put it away and picked me up, placing me on his lap. I swiftly wrapped him in the covers and snuggled into his warm, vigorous body. William's arms sneaked around my waist under covers, pulling me closer.

"Just a few emails that needed my attention. Nothing to worry about, mi amor."- answered my mate and kissed my nose, bringing a smile on my face. I didn't ponder about those emails as I trust William and if there was something I should know about or be concerned about, he would have told me.

"I love you, Willy. I can't live without you."- I said, nuzzling into his upper body.

"I love you, mi amor. You are my home, my heaven and my rock."- replied my mate. I kissed his soft lips tenderly, expressing all my love. William's lips moved in sync with mine, just as loving and sweetly.

"Now, my mate needs to sleep. Come on."- I said and pecked William's lips, that curled into smile, before getting up.

We went back to bed. I wrapped my both arms around his waist, he put one of my legs across his hip and lazily threw his hand on top of it. I laid on head in the crock of Willy's neck and his head found my hair.

We fell asleep in a few minutes, holding each other.


I smiled as gentle caressing of my neck tickled my skin pleasantly. I snuggled closed into my human version of teddy-bear, making a melodic, yet deep laugh vibrate through broad, finely honed chest.

A kiss was placed on top of my head and I grinned in my mate's chest.

"Good morning, Willy."- I mumbled sleepily.

"Good morning, mi amor."- replied husky, velvety, sensual voice, making chest rumble.

I listed my head up, resting my chin on William's chest, and grinned at my mate.

"You look striking, but I am very tempted to say cute."- I said and giggled. William kissed my forehead.

"I am whatever you want me to be, mi vida."- replied my mate with a heart-melting smile.

We got up and started our routine: brushing teeth, doing the skin care, eating breakfast.

After having breakfast, I went to get dressed, because William got ready before breakfast.

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