Chapter 1

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Pandavs, Rajmata Kunti and PandavaPatnis had left Dravida along with the new bride on the wedding day only. The journey was a long one and it would take them a few days to reach Indraprasth. Now, one by one the guests were leaving too. Balaram, Krishna and Subhadra was supposed to leave on the next day itself. But on Maharaj Drishadvat's request, they stayed for a few more days. Krishna didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave Dravida which baffled Balaram. And of course, Duryodhan and Gandharraj Shakuni stayed too, though Mahamahim Bheesmh left.

"I'm glad Dravida and Hastinapur's relation has improved by this alliance. And for taking this step I want to thank you." Mahamahim Bheesmh had said to Maharaj Drishadvat before leaving.

"The alliance is between Dravida and Indraprasth Gangaputra. And I am glad you accepted my request of blessing your grandchild." Maharaj Drishadvat replied with a smile. Mahamahim Bheesmh understood his words clearly. Dravida had nothing to do with Hastinapur and it was him who was actually invited, so Nakul could get his Pitamah's blessing. Along with him, Gandharraj Shakuni also got his meaning. But still stayed there digesting the insult.

Subhadra thought her words might affect Karna somehow. But she was wrong. Karna kept avoiding her like before. Her heart was screaming loudly, but no one could hear, least of all Karna. Why he couldn't hear her heart's cry? Was he so detached from her? Did she not matter even a little to him? What would she do after leaving Dravida? Would he let her go and forget her forever?

"Subhadre?" Krishna called her as they were strolling outside the Dravidian Palace.

"Yes, bhrata?" Subhadra responded coming out of her stupor.

"Where are you lost?" Krishna asked smiling warmly at her.

"Nowhere, bhrata. Just feeling the peace of nature." Subhadra replied giving a sad one in return.

"Humans normally see the beauty of nature when they're happy. But when there's restlessness inside, we tend to feel the peace to calm ourselves. Why are you so restless Subhadre?" Krishna asked again.

"Nothing like that bhrata Krishna. I-" Subhadra tried to oppose.

"So you've learned to lie to your bhrata Krishna too. Dravida has taught you many things it seems." Krishna said stopping her in middle, but his teasing smile told Subhadra he wasn't offended. Subhadra remained silent. She had never lied to Krishna and she could never hide something from him. It would be a waste trying to lie or hide her emotions from him.

"Subhadre, remember I told you Dravida will give your life a new direction." Krishna said continuing his walk. Subhadra sighed and followed him silently.
"Do you know the story of Savitri?" Krishna asked suddenly.

"Who doesn't? Savitri and Satyavan, known for their love and devotion to each other. According to the legend, princess of Madra, Savitri marries an exiled prince named Satyavan, who was prophesied to die early. But with Savitri's wit and love, she saved her husband from the death God, Yama himself." Subhadra replied. A small smile appeared on her face remembering the fascinating love story.

"What would have happened if Savitri wasn't determined or lost hope?" Krishna asked her looking like contemplating.

"Neither Satyavan would have gotten his life back nor their love would be eternal." Subhadra answered thinking about the probable outcome.

"Right. And Savitri would be left as a widow and lost her love." Krishna said staring at Subhadra meaningfully.
"So, Subhadre to gain something, we've to struggle with determination and hope. Where there is no struggle, there is no gain. The harder the struggle is, the more sweet the gain becomes." Krishna added smiling serenely.

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