Chapter 53

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"I wasn't able to control my anger Maharaj Yudhisthir. I should have looked into the situation more closely and investigate thoroughly before throwing accusations. I hope you understand. The matter is so sensitive that I lost control over it and wasn't thinking clearly." Maharaj Dyutimata said apologetically to him.

They were in the meeting chamber of Maharaj Dyutimata. He had requested to talk to Yudhisthir alone. And Yudhisthir had been severely surprised when he apologised for his behaviour saying he was ashamed and accepted his ignorance. Yudhisthir couldn't understand the man who was throwing accusations just a day before, what happened so soon to change his opinion completely.

"I am glad that you realised your mistake. But I would like to see the evidence which changed your mind. I am sure there must be something which helped you in realising your mistake." Yudhisthir replied.

Maharaj Dyutimata looked unsure for a moment before answering,

"There's no need for that. I am taking back all the allegations. I will also apologise to him personally. And I apologise to you too. I am ashamed of my behaviour Maharaj Yudhisthir."

"I understand. But there is need to bring forth the evidences Maharaj. Either knowingly or in anger, allegations were thrown at my brother. I do not want anyone to even have the slightest doubt in their minds about Sahdev's innocence. So, it is important for me to see those." Yudhisthir replied smoothly.

"There has been signs which suggests that a third person was present there at that night as Rajkumar Sahdev said. And the girl, she is ready to talk too. I am sure she will also give witness in favour of him only." Maharaj Dyutimata said reluctantly.

"That's good. I hope she is alright now. And if she is and is also ready to talk, then we shouldn't delay in taking her statement. In fact, I suggest you call the court as soon as possible. She can give her statement there only and after that it will be easier for you to apologise to my brother and pledge Madra's loyalty to him officially." Yudhisthir said evenly.

"Madra's loyalty is with you only. Rajkumar Sahdev is not some stranger to me. His mother, Raani Madri was my sister only. That's why it hurt and angered me so much when he was found with that girl. The situation then was something that I ended up misunderstanding him. But Madra's relation with you has always been friendly. And now with our new alliance with Hastinapur, I believe it has only strengthened." Maharaj Dyutimata said smiling at him.

"That it has. Hastinapur is our family only. And I used to consider Madra that too. And some little misunderstanding in between family members can be ignored and forgiven. But as you said Maharaj, this is a sensitive matter and such an allegation can not be categorised as a little misunderstanding. My brother's reputation and honour was questioned. I just can not let this slide so easily." Yudhisthir said returning the smile and keeping it attached added,

"But still I have been considerate of our relation from the start. As I said earlier, I would have sent Bheem or Nakul instead otherwise. But I wanted this matter to be handled as peacefully as possible. And see, now you yourself have realised your mistake and with your pledged loyalty to Sahdev, Madra and Indraprasth's relation will be more solidified now."

Maharaj Dyutimata's mouth tightened hearing him. He well understood that Yudhisthir wasn't going to be budged on that. This all was happening because of Vijaya. Because of her he would be insulted in his own court. Maharaj Dyutimata clenched his fists to control his anger and forced a smile on his face before nodding.


Vijaya waited on the hallway outside the royal court nervously and fearfully. She looked ready to cry. But her Maani Maa had convinced her to be brave.

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