Chapter 16

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"I heard Angrani has gotten some mystical chilies for liars?" Karna asked coming inside his sleeping chamber.

"Yes. I do. Do you want to taste Vrisha?" Subhadra asked playfully.

"No. I've too much spice in my life already." Karna replied coming closer to where she sat.

"That's good only, don't you think? Otherwise life would be too boring." Subhadra said smiling with mischief. Karna smiled hearing her.

"That's true. But sometimes too much spice ruins the real taste of life. Dullness holds its own satisfaction too." Karna commented sitting beside her.

Both of them were successfully sorting out the distorted Anga. Karna had given severe punishment to the minister who purchased a slave illegally and stopped the trafficking. Those associated with the traffickers were also in custody. Some of those sinners were arrested, but some managed to escape. As for the dreaded practice of Narakhet by Pundra's soldiers, a war was soon going to be commenced between the two Kingdoms.

As for Subhadra, she had finally gotten her holds over the Palace with a little difficulty. Jalpa had proven to be a great help by providing her with necessary informations and working as an ally among the servants.

As for Karna and Subhadra, they had fallen into a tricky phase. With all the troubles that followed them since their marriage, they hadn't had time to concentrate on their relationship or talk about themselves. And honestly both were hesitating not really knowing how to take a step forward. So much happened so fast, they hardly got the time to enjoy or celebrate their love. And now the awkwardness and hesitation had found space in between them.

On one hand, Karna wasn't good with expressing himself or romancing. He said what he felt back at Dwarka. And Subhadra became his point of confidence and grounded him at the most vulnerable stage of his life. He was grateful for her. She made everything seem so simple and uncomplicated. Never complained and instead invested her energy on finding solutions.
His Sthira deserved to know how special she was. He wanted to make her happy, to do something for her. But for the life of him, he couldn't figure out what exactly he should do. He was frustrated with himself.

On the other hand, Subhadra was feeling weird. She was happy that she finally got the love of her life. But the way their marriage happened was unusual. And she felt guilty for shattering the dreams, her family had of her wedding. She had hurt them all, specially her bhrata Balaram. Her eyes teared up whenever she remembered him. Balaram had never once been angry with her and always supported her at everything. And now she couldn't forget the hurt and anger of his. She missed her family very much.

As for her relationship with Karna, he had suffered such emotional turmoil recently and even now was busy with royal matters. She didn't want to bother him with her feelings too. Earlier she acted in fear of losing him. But now that the dust had settled, she didn't know how to act around him or what to say.

"I never asked before, but how are you finding Anga?" Karna asked after a while as Subhadra remained silent. Subhadra thought how to answer that. In a mess wouldn't be an appropriate answer, would it?

"The Palace garden is beautiful." She answered smiling slightly.

Karna frowned hearing her response and then it downed on him. Subhadra hadn't taken a step out of the Palace after coming here. He had been so immersed in his responsibilities that he never offered to give her a tour of the town and she never demanded either. He was also noticing the change in her behaviour. She wasn't as cheerful or talkative like before. She seemed lost in thoughts most of the time and kept fidgeting around him.

"I was thinking, why don't we go out for a tour tomorrow? There's many beautiful places and I think you'll like to see the town." Karna suggested.

"Are you sure? I don't want to take you away from important works. I know there are still unsettled matters in court." Subhadra said tentatively.

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