Chapter 4

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"Kunti?" Vasudeva called his sister in confusion and shock. "How can Karna be your son?"

"Yes, bhrata. This is the truth only. Karna is my son whom I had gotten from Suryadev." Kunti replied controlling herself and relayed the story of Karna's birth to them all. She didn't fear anyone anymore when her sons were with her. Her only fear now was Karna himself. Would he accept her as his mother?

"Kunti, how could you do this? You did a mistake I agree. But how can you flow a little boy into the river? You could have asked help from me or anyone else. What have you done Kunti? Our blood, our son, a Kshatriya was raised in disregard and disrespect. How could you?" Vasudeva asked his sister in anger and disappointment.

"I'm sorry bhrata. But I didn't see any other way. You were in prison that time. I couldn't trust anyone to help me as I was afraid for his life also. I feared my father would kill him to protect his status if he came to know about this. And Suryanarayan promised me that he'll protect my son. I flowed him with this belief that He and Mata Ganga will safeguard him." Kunti said in grief. Vasudeva was also feeling her pain and understood how much afraid and helpless must Kunti had been to flow her own child onto the river.

Everyone present could sense Kunti's distress and vulnerability. What happened wasn't right. But it would be wrong too to blame her. She was a woman and it was easier to point fingers at woman in this social system. They alone bore the burden of uplifting their family's respect, but very few men gave them the respect that they deserved. It was easier to judge her, but difficult to actually imagine ourselves at her position.

"Forgive me Putra. I couldn't be your mother even though you're my son. I had to leave you even though I didn't want to. But I want to be your mother now. I have come defeating all my fears and constraints. Please give me one chance to become your mother." Kunti said to Karna looking at him emotionally.

Karna didn't say one single word till now. Only heard everything. He stared at Kunti for sometime with red bloodshot eyes and then left abruptly. Kunti broke down in tears looking at his retreating back. Yudhisthir held her as her feet refused to uphold her anymore. Arjun was going to go behind Karna but was stopped by Krishna.

"His whole existence has been shaken up. His entire life, his struggles, his pain all is at stake. Let him be alone for sometime Paarth." Krishna said looking gloomy.

Duryodhan and Shakuni who was watching in surprise left the place too. Duryodhan's anger rose as his surprise subsided. No wonder, Karna was siding towards Pandavs and betrayed him. They were brothers after all. Shakuni's mind on the other hand was in a jumble from the overload of surprises. First his plan to get Subhadra and Duryodhan married, failed. Then he got to know he himself had carried the weapon to Dwarka who destroyed his plans. Then he got to know the one he considered as a valuable asset for Duryodhan, was actually Pandavs brother. When would this inauspicious day end?

Here, Subhadra who was halfway to the door, was stopped by her mother, Mata Rohini and dragged from there to her chambers.

In Indraprasth :

Drisana went to the stables. She saw Nakul caressing a horse and feeding him haylage. Coming near them, Drisana stood at the opposite side of the horse facing Nakul. He gave her no mind as he continued feeding the horse. Drisana stood silently watching. After a while, Nakul went away to get another horse out of its stall and headed outside. Probably for a ride. Drisana followed him and stood watching as he left.

Nakul returned almost an hour later to find Drisana at the same place. He still gave no indication of watching or acknowledging her presence. As he came outside after returning the horse to its place, Drisana stopped him from heading inside the palace by holding his wrist. Nakul remained silent as Drisana dragged him to the nearby woodland tangling their fingers and holding his elbow with the other hand. They strolled through the woodland for sometimes.

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