Chapter 63

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At Hastinapur:

"May I ask something to you Pitamah?" Drumasen asked Maharaj Dhritrastra.

They were seated near the practice area where Maharaj Dhritrastra was practicing a while ago. Drumasen loved to watch his grandfather practice from afar. Even being a blind person, his senses were so acute and sharp. It baffled him how strong and vulnerable his grandfather was at the same time.

"Ask away Putra." Maharaj Dhritrastra permitted affectionately.

"You're such a strong and skilled warrior. But why did you never participate in any war?" Drumasen asked with curiosity.

"Because I am blind. And a blind person is not eligible to go to war." He replied gloomily.

"But you are so strong Pitamah." Drumasen said again.

"That is not enough Putra. When God takes something from us, in return he surely gives us some other blessing. My strength is the blessing of Maharishi Ved Vyas. He did bless me to have the strength of 100000 elephants, but couldn't remove the curse of my destiny." Dhritrastra told him with a heavy sigh.

"You are the Maharaj of this mighty empire. Isn't it a blessing too?"

"No!" Dhritrastra's denial came forcefully in a raised voice that made Drumasen startled.
"Being the King was my right until I was made very aware of my disability. I am a king now. But that's because there's no alternate option. I wore the crown which is someone's reject. And whenever I wear that rejected crown, its weight gives immense pain to me."

Drumasen stared at his grandfather's agitated face and heard the pain and anger in his voice. Dhritrastra calmed himself taking a few moment.

"But one day, your Tatshree Duryodhan will wear that crown as the rightful owner. And this mighty empire will flourish more under the rule of my blood."

At Indraprasth:

Days passed while the whole kingdom was busy in preparation for the welcoming of their new Rajkumari and the upcoming wedding of their most quiet Prince Sahdev. In between the preparations, Krishna had met with Vijaya and calmed her nerves a little. Dhitika was also assured after finding a familiar face here.

At midnight, Drisana's sleep got disturbed by a soft cry. As she dragged herself into a seating position, her face crunched automatically not finding Nakul beside her. She stood from the bed and started looking around in search of him. The cradle where their daughter slept, was also empty. As she went near the balcony, she found him standing there with their daughter cradled gently in his arms. A soft tired smile came to her lips finding him cooing cutely at the kid.

How drastically everything had changed. Everything she knew changed. Everything she imagined changed. Everything she dreaded changed.

Fate changed.

Destiny altered.

And what was ahead, was only a mystery now that had yet to be discovered.

But whatever awaited them in future, this moment was only hers. This moment where her Nirmay was cradling their daughter close to his heart where his Hridi resided.


"Drisana, hurry up! Everyone is waiting for you. Jyesth bhrata Karna has also arrived." Draupadi urged her as today the naming ceremony of Drisana and Nakul's daughter was going to be held. The next day, Vijaya and Sahdev's wedding was going to take place. Indraprasth was vibrating with joy.

"Has Subhadra also arrived?" Drisana asked while hurrying.

"No. She hasn't. And it seems we won't be able to meet her for a long time." Draupadi replied with a smiling face.

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