Chapter 17

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"Tumhare bhaiyo ka bhi kya kismat hai!
Ek ka besura gaana,
Dusre ka baata huya jamana.
Teesre ke baato ka nehi hai saar,
Coutha bakwas khane se bimar.
Aur aab chatte ke gaale mein,
Kahi par na jai purush premi ka har.

(What fate your brothers have!
One sings terribly,
Second is divided equally.
Third one doesn't stop talking,
Fourth one doesn't know cooking.
And now sixth one will probably be garlanded by a man.)"

Nakul said making Drisana's eyes narrowed.

"You're making fun of my brothers Nirmay?" Drisana asked angrily.

"I-- I was just sympathising. Nothing else." Nakul said stammering a bit in nervousness. Drisana removed her eyes after glaring at him good.

"So, what now?" Nakul asked tentatively.

"I need time. Soon Devika Jiji's baby shower is going to happen and Deepavali is around the corner too. Valandhara jiji is new here and Draupadi jiji is handling everything alone mostly. I don't want to neglect my one family because of the other." Drisana said sadly.

"You won't. Sometimes we just have to choose between duties and decide which is the more important one and needs our attention first. No one will blame you for it." Nakul said softly tucking a hair strand behind her ear.

"I know. But it doesn't change the fact that duties were neglected. And I don't want that." Drisana said solemnly.

"Then?" Nakul asked.

"I'll have to delay it for a little time. I just hope she won't do any stupidity till then." Drisana said sighing.

Valandhara woke up in the morning only to find Bheem's frowning face above hers and screamed in fear.

"What's wrong with you? What were you doing?" She asked calming her erratic heartbeats.

"You were sleeping." Bheem stated still frowning at her.

"Yes. So?" Valandhara asked in confusion.

"You fell asleep last night before I came." Bheem said again frowning more fiercely now.

"Again. So?" Valandhara asked again not getting his point.

"Which girl falls asleep at her wedding night!!! You were supposed to wait for me!!!" Bheem suddenly shouted in frustration sporting a pout like a kid. Valandhara looked at him weirdly for sometimes.

"I slept at my wedding night, don't know about others. And I got tired sitting alone. It's your fault for coming late. Now move and let me get ready for the day." Valandhara said with full attitude and left.

Bheem stared at her way still frowning and sporting a pout.


He might have gotten carried away eating laddoos. They were so delicious, he couldn't stop. And finished six more baskets after the one he requested at first.

But she was supposed to wait, not fall asleep. Who slept at their wedding night!?!?!?!!!!

In Anga :

Karna had taken Subhadra out on a tour. Getting out of the Palace and temporary relief from all the duties, Subhadra was feeling at peace and delightful. Her excitement and enthusiasm at visiting new places was infectious. Karna wondered why hadn't he thought of it before.

Anga's people were both astounded and elated to see their Maharaj and Maharani visiting the town. Karna often used to visit the town before too. But this was the first time they were seeing the couple together up close. And watching their beautiful young queen among them was rather unexpected to them. They had also heard and wondered many things about the Yadhavi.

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