Chapter 29

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Draupadi came to Shikhandini's chamber to find the room in a dishevelled state. It seemed like a small tornado had hit the room. Last night, Shikhandini returned from the celebration early stating she wasn't feeling well.

Shikhandini came to her chambers and took her anger and frustration out on the room. She was fuming inside. How dared that woman! How dared she belittle her sacrifice, her struggle! Amba was the name of courage. The woman who had the courage to challenge Bheesmh when so called valiant warriors of Aryavart trembled before him. And that girl was saying her sacrifice was meaningless!? How dared she!

"Jiji?" Draupadi called her softly, surprise and concern clear in her voice.

"Leave me alone, Draupadi." Shikhandini ordered in a cold voice.

"What happened Jiji? Tomorrow is your wedding and all this---. Is something bothering you?" Draupadi asked hesitantly.

"I don't want to talk right now." Shikhandini replied in the same manner.

"But why Jiji? Are you not happy with this marriage? Please talk to me." Draupadi said gently getting closer to where she sat. "Last night, you left the function earlier too and you were looking upset. What's the matter?"

"What will you do knowing? Do my concerns, my problems worry anyone? Do I matter to anyone? Do I have any importance in anyone's eyes? I'm just a tool to be used and when there's no more use of me, I'm discarded without a second thought." Shikhandini said in a harsh voice. But Draupadi could detect the underlined pain veiled by her anger.

"Why are you saying so Jiji? You're not some tool to be used or get discarded. You're the princess of Panchal who is an inspiration for many. Who have the courage of a lioness and a heart of gold. You do matter. To me, to Pitashree, to every woman of Panchal who gets courage seeing you." Draupadi said gently.

"Pitashree!" Shikhandini snorted at that. "Do you really believe that? Do we matter to Pitashree as a child should be? Or we're just a means to an end for him?"

"It's not like that Jiji. Pitashree may be a little harsh, but he does love his children. We and our happiness are important to him." Draupadi said forcefully.

"No, Draupadi. You're wrong. Pitashree may love his children, but there's nothing more important or valuable to him than his authority and ego. And our happiness matters as long as it's according to his wishes." Shikhandini replied with a sad sigh.

"Are you not happy with this marriage, Jiji?" Draupadi asked after staying silent for sometime.

"Pitashree is happy Draupadi. That's the only thing that matters." Shikhandini replied monotonously.

"No, Jiji. You're the one whose life is concerned here. It's you whose happiness matters the most." Draupadi said with concern.

"It is the Dharma of a child to obey their parents, to make them proud and happy. I am just fulfilling my Dharma Draupadi." Shikhandini said again staring blankly. "I should take a bath now. The rituals will start soon."

"Drisana, don't you think, Rajkumari Shikhandini reacted a little too much on the topic of Devi Amba? She seemed to get quite upset." Priyala wondered. Drisana and she was sitting on her chamber selecting clothes and jewelleries that had to be sent for Shikhandini this evening. Everyone was busy with some or other work as tomorrow the marriage was supposed to be.

"Oh? That's a good thing then." Drisana replied nonchalantly glancing at Priyala.

"What good? And I didn't understand, why suddenly out of the blue you mentioned Devi Amba. You could have closed the topic as soon as it started. But you seemed to instigate Rajkumari Shikhandini on purpose. Why was that?" Priyala asked knowing her sister-in-law well enough.

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