Chapter 33

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Hello readers!!!

No one asked me, but as I like to keep a clear concept, I am explaining.

You may wonder how can the curse given to Drupad fall upon Shikhandini?

After doing many years of yogic practices or purification stages, Rishis and Sages achieve a certain power (=Siddhi). This power enables them to manifest through one of the following methods:

● Through intention
● Through charged water
● Through sound
● Through their own energy

In mythological stories, you will see that these methods are used to manifest an external situation (good/boon or bad/curse).

So, here the curse was given through charged water. Thus, after falling on Shikhandini it took effect on her rather than Drupad.


Everyone stood in shock watching Shikhandini suddenly coming in front of Maharaj Drupad and the holy water raining down on her instead of him.

Maharaj Drupad watched in astonishment. The anger clouding his brain had started to dispel and he realised what he had done. In his anger, he insulted his children in front of everyone. Blinded by rage, he insulted the Rishis. And the Rishis were about to curse him to become paralysed. He stared at Shikhandini's back. Why had she come in front of him? To save him? But why? Why would she do that?

"What have you done Putri? You took the curse given to your father on yourself?" Rishi Yaja asked in surprise.

"Rishivar, I apologise to you on my father's behalf. Please forgive him. When he gets angry, he loses control on himself. He doesn't talk then. It's only his anger which speaks. Forgive him. Have mercy." Shikhandini said folding her hands.

"Your father insulted you the most. Dhristyadhymn and Draupadi were grown fully when they came out of the fire of Yagna. But you suffered his anger since childhood. Still you're apologising for him?" Rishi Upyaja asked.

"Rishivar, parents place comes even before the God. Because they're the ones who bears pains and keeps patience to bring us into this world. When we're born helpless, they take care of us, protect us, help us in growing to adulthood and settle in life. It is only said in scriptures, that we should always respect, serve and worship them, and there is no service greater than serving parents. Before marriage, parents are the first and foremost people in our life. If parents makes mistakes or choose unrighteousness, we should oppose the decision and make them understand. But not by disrespecting them." Shikhandini said with tears escaping her eyes.

"And whatever I am today, it's because of my father only. Yes. He did get angry sometimes. But those I take as inspirations to better myself. He was the one who taught me how to hold a weapon. He was the one who taught me to be brave and unwavering at battles, be it warfield or life. He insulted Draupadi today, but he also fulfilled his responsibilities as a father to her, didn't he? He insulted Dhristyadhymn, but does that make every honour, every blessing given to him untrue? Does my father's anger and ego enough to ignore everything he did for us, gave us, made us?" Shikhandini asked gently.
"Even Gods sometimes make mistakes. But do we stop worshipping them for those? No. They are given the chance to repent and right the wrong actions or thoughts. Then why should I not give my father the chance whose place is even before the Gods in my life?"

A single tear slipped from Maharaj Drupad's eyes as he was unable to keep them upwards anymore. He stared downwards in regret. His head which was held high till now, was unable to bear the burden of guilt anymore. The daughter he neglected and insulted most, was there standing before him, pleading the Rishis to forgive him.

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