Chapter 56

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Vijaya was brought into the royal court with Manuja standing behind. Vijaya's hands were trembling slightly as she came forward to stand in the middle of the court. She didn't glance up for once. Only stared downwards. Every eyes present in the court were observing her critically. Almost all were seeing her for the first time apart from the time when she garlanded Sahdev. Most didn't even know Maharaj Dyutimata had another daughter. So, their curiosity was ginormous at this point.

Maharaj Dyutimata was looking at her impassively while Sahdev removed his eyes after throwing a short glance at her.

"A few days earlier, Rajkumari Vijaya garlanded Rajkumar Sahdev raising many questions in your minds." Maharaj Dyutimata started saying, looking around at all. "Why she did so and what it means, needs to be cleared."

"Rajkumari Vijaya, give clarification of your actions. Why did you put the garland around Rajkumar Sahdev's neck?" Maharaj Dyutimata asked Vijaya in his booming voice that reverberated through the silence of the court.

"I---I---" Vijaya started nervously.
"Dev---Rajkumar Sahdev sav--saved me the other day from--- . I--- wanted to thank him only. Th--that's why I--- thought to give him that garland. When someone gets victory or success, he is welcomed with flowers. So, I thought to express gratitude to him with that only. I had no other intention." She said in a small voice stumbling over her words a few times. But her answer was heard by everyone as there existed only pin dropping silence. But hushed murmurs started after she completed.

"You heard her. What she did had no ill intention or hidden motive behind it. It was simply a way of thanking her saviour." Maharaj Dyutimata said silencing everyone again. Sahdev's downcast eyes moved to Maharaj Dyutimata at his statement.

"Rajkumar Sahdev, as Rajkumari Vijaya clarified, she did it to express her gratitude only with pure intention. And we should not forget that by relation you're brother alike to her. So, I see no point for anyone to assume anything else in this action of hers." He said again smoothly. Loud murmurings started again in the court. Even Yudhisthir was a little bit surprised by his explanation. He thought Maharaj Dyutimata would demand Sahdev to marry Vijaya. 

"Forgive me Maharaj. What you said is true. But knowingly or unknowingly Rajkumari Vijaya has garlanded a Rajkumar with the sacred flowers of red roses. In the culture of Aryavart, red roses are considered as the symbol of love and passion, and a girl only uses this to garland the man she loves and accepts as her companion. And most importantly, using red roses in the varmala is essential in Gandharva vivha. How can we ignore all these significance of it?" It was one of the court members of Madra who questioned him.

"But you're forgetting the significance of our tradition that has been in use for generations. I understand the significance well. And that's why I thought about it carefully before reaching any conclusion. If Rajkumari Vijaya did this understanding the true symbolism and meaning behind her act, we could question her actions. But for her act of ignorance, if our age old tradition is broken, then wouldn't it be an insult to Madra's customs?" Maharaj Dyutimata replied sternly.

The court members again started to discuss the pros and cons among themselves. It was clear Maharaj Dyutimata was against to even consider the possibility of an alliance between Sahdev and Vijaya. But as simple as he was trying to make it, could it really be taken as lightly? At one hand was Madra's tradition, but what about the archaic ritual of Aryavart?

Sahdev's eyes briefly met Manuja's who stood at a side with wide worried eyes. He released a heavy breath before standing from his seat and coming to stand a few steps away from Vijaya.

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