Chapter 13

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"O..M...G!!!" Drisana whispered in dismay. Valandhara had just insulted not only Duryodhan but also all the Kings and Princes present there. This was true a swayambara (the girl whose swayambar is held) was free to choose her groom. And no one would have objected or be offended if this was decided from the start that she would choose at her will and no competition would be held.

But here a competition was held. Rules were set and Maharaj Subahu had promised his daughter to the one who won. This was an insult of his words too. Her this action was degrading for both Kashi Naresh and her dynasty.

And Duryodhan? From what Drisana heard and saw, he was not here to make alliance like he tried to do at Dwarka. Kashi was already a provisional Kingdom of Hastinapur. He was here for Valandhara. He wanted her for himself. And even after he won, she placed the barmala on none other than Bheem's neck. Bheem who was his biggest and most hated enemy in the entire Aryavart.

This was such a disaster.

Nakul had stilled in utter shock and disbelief. He took a loud breath as his lungs constricted not getting enough air. He glanced towards the dias to see Drisana standing. Their eyes caught and both shared the same expression of apprehension.

Bheem and Valandhara were still staring at each other. Bheem was processing what just happened and what she said. Valandhara looked monotonous. Only her eyes showed her emotions of dread, torment and remorse. She knew what she had done was an insult to her father and all the Kings present. She felt remorseful and tormented thinking about the humiliation she just caused by going against her father's words. And dread crept up her spine thinking either Rajkumar Bheem would even accept her or not.

The first time she met Rajkumar Bheem, she was amazed at his simplicity. Most of the Princes talked to dasis as someone lesser than them. But Bheem? Even believing she was a dasi, behaved so modestly. He didn't hesitate to do the work which was meant for the servants to help her. Gave her the respect she deserved as a woman, not caring if she was a maid. It was true she tricked him, but she could trick him because he was a decent and virtuous person.

She was curious to know who he was then. And soon came to know that he was the second Pandava, Bheem. On their next meet when he was scolding her, she found it comical rather than fearsome. Strangely, she felt safe enough in his presence to bicker with him. She liked to see the cute pout and the swollen nose he sported in anger.

When after coming back from Dravida, she started remembering him randomly and smiling foolishly, Valandhara realised she felt a little more than respect and fondness for him. At the time of her father mentioning her swayambar, his face came in front of her eyes reminding her he was also a Gadadhari. She had hoped he would attend her swayambar.

She was anxious either he would come or not, but felt relieved only after seeing him. She didn't doubt he would win, but when she heard Hastinapur's Yuvraj was coming too, that made her anxious. She was worried that Rajkumar Bheem wouldn't even get the chance to win. And why not? Drone shisya Yuvraj Duryodhan was Mahabali Balaram's most dedicated student after all. And her fear came true at last.

During descending the stairs, she only felt a great deal of dejection and heartache, making her realise that she had fallen for the bhoora bhaaloo. She didn't know how her feet started moving towards him automatically. It was a decision taken on a moment's impulse. Not caring or thinking things through, she had placed the garland around his neck. Now only she registered what she had done. She felt remorse for hurting her father and causing his disgrace. But it was done and now if Bheem refused to accept her she would take shelter in Mata Ganga's waves (drown herself in Ganga).

"Yeh kaisi dhristata hai!!!!! (What kind of impertinenc is this!!!!)" Duryodhan shouted in rage.

"Maharaj Subahu!!! Yeh kaisa swayambar hai? Jaha pratiyogita koyi ek jitta hai, aur barmala kisi aur k gale mein dala jata hai?!!! Kya aapne yeaha aapman karne ke liya bulyawa hai mujhe?!!!!!
(What kind of swayambar is this? Where someone wins the competition and someone else is garlanded?!!! Have you called me here to insult?!!!!!)"
Duryodhan's loud booming voice broke the shocked state of everyone.

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