Chapter 65

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"What kind of girl is she? Who faints at her own wedding like this?"

"I think it's because this wedding is happening against her will. Don't you know, Rajkumar Sahdev kidnapped her? Maybe that's why she's so distressed."

"But still. The girl seems so disoriented. Which princess behaves like that?"

"The one with a pure heart and innocent mind." It was Rajkumari Draupadi who interrupted the conversation of two queens from neighbouring Kingdom.
"Rajkumari Vijaya has been through a lot lately. She has to accustomed herself with a lot of changes these days. Maybe that made her a little bit nervous and stressed. There's nothing to worry about. Her family is always here to support her." Draupadi added with a polite and confident smile.

The queens shared a glance before one of them said, "We can understand. But this incident should not have happened at such an auspicious time, don't you think?"

"You're right. We should have been more careful at taking care of our new family member. But there's nothing to worry about. Just like bhrata Sahdev saved her this time, he will always be there for her." Draupadi replied and moved away after biding them.


Nakul glanced at Sahdev to find him sitting on the couch with a gloomy expression. He could see his brother's disappointment, irritation and anger. And why not? He was mortified and humiliated because of Vijaya at none other than their wedding day. Even now, Yudhisthir, Bheem and Arjun were trying to smooth out the situation outside.

While Vijaya was falling, Sahdev had reacted quickly before she hit the ground and caught her in his arms. Devika and Draupadi had rushed to the Mandap to find Vijaya had fainted. She was quickly taken inside and everyone remained tense until the Vaiyd said that she fainted out of stress and there's nothing to worry about as she would be fine in a while.

However, this incident had created quite a ruckus. Kidnapping a Rajkumari was not against Dharma, but forcing her in an unwanted marriage was. And Vijaya seemed clearly unhappy and unwilling to marry Sahdev. The priests who were conducting the ceremony seemed despondent and reluctant to proceed. Rajguru Cetaka had requested an audience with Yudhisthir. The guests were whispering their multiple opinions and concerns. And at this moment, Nakul was cursing himself for suggesting a wedding of grandeur. Who knew Vijaya would be so stressed and scared by all this?!

"Sahdev ---" Nakul started to say something only to get interrupted by him.

"Do you remember what you said this morning?" Sahdev met his eyes sharply. Nakul remembered well and so he couldn't hold his brother's gaze.

"You said to stop looking at her like a victim whom I need to protect. You said there's no such a thing as compatibility. You said to look at her as a woman instead of a poor weak girl." Sahdev repeated calmly.


"No." He interrupted again. "You were wrong. She is a poor weak girl that I need to protect. The woman in my life have never been this much fragile. Neither our mother nor my sister-in-laws. And maybe I would have chosen someone a little more confident and courageous for myself given the opportunity. Not a victim I need to protect and worry about at each and every step. Because that's what Vijaya is. A victim of her own insecurities and fear."

Sahdev turned to leave the chamber after saying so, only to stop seeing Karna standing there. He couldn't hold his eldest brother's gaze as he saw displeasure and disapproval clearly in them.

"So? Is this what you think about the woman you're marrying?" Karna stated in a cold voice. Sahdev didn't reply or defend himself. His stubborn eyes remained elsewhere.
"A poor weak victim that needs protection. Not a confident, courageous one like you would have preferred."

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