Stroms in the Making

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In Hastinapur:

Duryodhan frowned at some parchments. There had been heavy rainfall this year which ruined a lot of crops. The storage of Hastinapur had been opened for the subjects. But seeds for new harvesting had to be imported from other Kingdoms. As Duryodhan was busy in checking the agreements, Vikarna asked permission to enter.

"Come. How is the distribution going on?" Duryodhan asked not removing his eyes from the parchments.

"It's good. We have already taken assessments of the loss of the villagers. Soon allotments will be handed too." Vikarna replied sitting on the couch facing him.

"Has Vivitsu and Yuyutsu returned?" Duryodhan asked again.

"Vivitsu has returned. Bhrata Yuyutsu has gone somewhere. He will return soon." Vikarna replied carefully.

"Where has he gone? There's a lot of work pending here." Duryodhan said frowning.

"We all are here to take care of everything. You don't worry." Vikarna said assuring him. Duryodhan concentrated on his work, but sensed Vikarna wanted to say something.

"Do you want to say something?" Duryodhan asked still not glancing upwards.

"Jyesth. Bhrata Dushsasan has gone to Darpan Mehel again." Vikarna said with hesitation.

Duryodhan paused hearing him and then sighed heavily. Darpan Mehel was a palace made with beautifully crafted white marbles and mirrors all around consisting all the luxuries one could imagine. It was gifted to Dushsasan by Maharaj Dhritrastra. And Dushsasan loved nothing more than spending time there. With alcohol and women. It was a open secret that all the Dasis working there were pleasure slaves. Other Kauravas also joined Dushsasan there frequently. For Suvharman, it was his second home though he wasn't an alcoholic like Dushsasan thankfully.

"Let him be. We'll call him back when needed." Duryodhan replied finally.

"But Jyesth, you know how bhrata Dushsasan is. He will again remain drowned in alcohol until someone drags him out of there." Vikarna objected in disappointment.

Dushsasan just like his name was hard to rule or unbounded. Maharaj Dhritrastra gave him this name which suggested his son would bow down to none and none would be able to rule over him. That had indeed come true but in a wrong way. Dushsasan cared for nothing or no one except Duryodhan and Maharaj Dhritrastra. Even his wife and son hadn't succeeded to bind him. Their father and Duryodhan was the only ones whose words he heeded to. And unfortunately, both of them didn't interfered in how he spent his leisure time. As for administrative works, Dushsasan had the unique ability to royally mess up those. So, he was kept out of it mostly.

"We will drag him out when he is needed." Duryodhan said casually.

"He is our brother. Is it not our duty to stop him when he's going in the wrong path?" Vikarna asked.

"Vikarna, we, 100 brothers are one but we have our individual personalities too. We need our own space too. Whenever we need Dushsasan, he has always been there. I can not order him around like a slave and he is not a small kid whose hand I will held and teach right from wrong. Have you ever seen me interfering in any of your personal spaces? Have I ever asked you why you're not getting married?" Duryodhan asked slightly narrowing his eyes.

"I understand Jyesth. But bhrata Dushsasan's actions are harming himself. What he is doing, is morally incorrect and dangerous not only for him, but for those around him too. He is deriving from the path of Dharma. Addiction is never good. Either of alcohol or women. And Suvharman is walking on that path too." Vikarna argued.

"Morally incorrect. Adharm. The Gods, who we so dearly worship, do they not get drunk? Even Bholenath's prasad (offering) is bhang, is it not? Then how is it morally incorrect or Adharm? Do the King of Gods, Indradev not rule a lok filled with beautiful apsaras who remain there to entertain him? But still when it comes to us, mere mortals, it becomes Adharm." Duryodhan said laughing.

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