Chapter 46

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Days passed by fast. Kunti returned to Indraprasth with Karna. Since then Kunti had been living with Draupadi in the hut. When she objected, Kunti simply asked, wouldn't she give her mother shelter in her hut? Draupadi had no choice but to relent. Everyone was relieved with Draupadi in Mata Kunti's care.

Soon the time for her delivery arrived and Draupadi gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Draupadi had shed tears of happiness holding her child. All the pain, insecurities and fear melted away at the first glance of her baby boy.

"I want him to be known for his great deeds just like his father. So, I name him Shrutakarma." Draupadi had said at his naming ceremony.

Another interesting thing happened at the time of his naming ceremony. Shrutakarma was crying loudly. Probably getting annoyed by so many people disturbing and cooing at him. When he was placed on the cradle, he quietened. At that time, Yaudheya was brought and placed beside him. Both the kids kept observing each other. But just as Draupadi moved away, Shrutakarma started wailing loudly again. Devika tried to calm him unsuccessfully. She placed him on the cradle again and was going to call Draupadi.

But Yaudheya made a loud sound frowning with disapproval at Shrutakarma. And surprisingly, Shrutakarma quietened down looking at him. Devika stared with surprise as Yaudheya made some other incoherent sounds which the kid listened to carefully and then made a noise seeming to act obedient. Kunti commented that Arjun used to do the same at childhood. Whenever Yudhisthir talked to him, he stayed quiet and listened with his utmost attention looking like he was understanding everything. A good round of laugh went around on behalf of the kids.

Indraprasth's environment was filled with laughter and happiness. The only lacking was left by Arjun's absence.


"Rajkumari ji, I want to talk to you about something important." Said a voice from behind. Drisana turned to find a soldier standing there. She was in the Palace garden taking a walk when she was stopped.

"Yes?" Drisana asked. She had seen this warrior around the palace before too. Tara's eyes had widened finding him there. She looked scared and shook her head signing him to leave.

'Interesting.' Drisana thought noticing the exchange.

"I actually ---" He started nervously, but then took a deep breath before saying, "My name is Maudrik. I am an ardharathi in Rajkumar Bheem's army troupe."

"Good for you. That's all?" Drisana said with amusement. She had started to catch up what was going on.

"No. I actually wanted to say that---that I want to marry."

"Very good decision. Are you here to invite me?"

"No. I---"

"No? You don't want to invite me?!"

"No, no. Yes."

"Yes? That means you're admitting that you don't want to invite me."

"No. Yes. I mean not that. Yes. I----" He stuttered a few times before glancing at Tara and then said calmly,
"It would be a pleasure for me to invite you if only you permit me to marry Tara."

Drisana glanced sideways at Tara to find her looking flabbergasted. Maudrik was nervously waiting for Drisana's answer. As the head maiden of Drisana, Tara had a lot of responsibilities and remained with her for most of the time. Drisana had groomed her well over the years. The innocent stumbling and falling Tara had matured over the years.

"I will let you know later." Drisana said neutrally, neither showing approval nor disapproval. Both Maudrik and Tara's faces fell hearing her. They glanced at each other with a disheartened expression before Maudrik bowed and left.

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