Chapter 40

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The Das (male servant) who stood in front gulped in fear as Bheem was frowning at him furiously. His eyes said it loud and clear.

'Dare touch me, your hands won't be able to ever touch anything again!'

The Das gulped again and helplessly turned his eyes towards Rajkumari Valandhara who was also frowning at him. The Das lowered his eyes wondering where and how was he stuck!

The poison weakened Bheem and he lost consciousness when Sahdev was bringing him back from the garden. Valandhara was crying hysterically while Devika tried to console her. She had always seen Bheem strong and brooding. His this condition scared her to death. Sahdev was also afraid for his brother, but he kept a strong front for his family.

It was only after Bheem opened his eyes for a few moments before falling unconscious again, that they breathed easily. The Raj Vaiyd assured them that the poison hadn't done any life threatening damage. His body was fighting with it and he would be fine soon with proper care. Due to the effect of medicine, Bheem had been asleep for the past few days. Valandhara had remained with him mostly and took care of him. Now after three days he had gained consciousness fully though he was still weak and exhausted.

Now, the present scenario was interesting. The effect of the fight against the poison left Bheem shivering and sweating profusely. When he was unconscious, Valandhara had wiped the sweat off of his body and once the Das gave him a washup. After gaining consciousness, Bheem had sweated again and now felt sticky and dirty. So, he wanted to go for a dip in the river. Also, he wanted some fresh air as Bheem and bedrest didn't suit together. But Valandhara objected saying he couldn't move outside. And of course, Bheem argued. Guess who was called in between?

"Sahdev, let's go. I need to take a bath." Bheem had said to a confused looking Sahdev.

"Absolutely not! What if you get unconscious again while bathing?" Valandhara had objected.

"That's why I am taking him! He will catch me." Bheem replied in irritation.

"You're so heavy! You'll get him drown too!" Valandhara said in irritation too.

"Did you just call me heavy?" Bheem asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes. Do you want to know how many soldiers it took to carry you back here when you fell unconscious?" Valandhara asked back raising her brows.

"No!" Bheem replied pouting in annoyance. He wasn't proud of the moment. The fact that he fell unconscious and was carried, had hurt his ego.

"Good. So unless you're taking a whole army with you to bath, you're not going anywhere." Valandhara said decisively.

"Sahdev, tell her she's being unreasonable!" Bheem snapped at his anuj. Sahdev was going to open his mouth to say Bheem would be safe and not to worry. But as his eyes fell on a frowning Valandhara daring him to say anything, he closed his mouth smartly.

"I- I have a very urgent work. I can not take you bhrata Bheem. You take rest. I will come to meet you later. Parnipat." Sahdev said hurriedly and left. Bheem kept frowning at his retreating back. Betrayer!!!

"How can I take rest like this!!!!!" Bheem shouted in frustration.

"I have a solution for you." Valandhara had said happily and called the Das to give him a washup. Bheem looked scandalised at the suggestion.

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