Clearing concepts

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Helllloooooooo readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know you guys got confused with so many D's and curse or secrets...

So Just to give you a gist of it, in Drisana's family -

***Maharaj Drishadvat was cursed by Maharishi Durvasa that his lineage will end with him and he will bear the burden of giving fire to all his dead sons.

That's the cause of Drisana's brothers dying before Kurukshetra one by one.

But Rishi Durvasa later blessed him saying his daughter will be the saviour of her brothers.

***Devyajot got a curse when he was small that resulted in him being quiet and calm.

Drisana has found a way to get rid of this curse using the Pasha. It'll be revealed soon.

***Dridhaksh has a secret lover and Drisana blackmailed him with that. His love story is soon coming too.

***Dhikshit has no curse. He has anger and hatred issue. And behind this is a story that only Maharaj Drishadvat knows.

He tried to kill Duryodhan, but as it was a coward's move, Dhikshit feels remorse for hitting from back. He realised he is becoming something in his rage that he doesn't like or want to be. That's why he went to exile for getting his anger in control and get rid of his hatred.

What is the story?

Well, as Drisana suspects, it is indeed related to a woman.

A woman Dhikshit loved.

And yes it's in past tense. And no it's not Bhanumati or Dhussala. But Duryodhan is somehow related to it.

And chapter is the swayambar chapter.

The swayambar of Rajkumari Valandhara...

Draupadi's swayambar was the grandest in nature...😇

Valandhara's will be the most controversial one....😆

Something unexpected will happen...

Something that is going to happen for the first time in the history of Aryavart...

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