Chapter 69

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"Jiji." Draupadi called softly as she came inside Devika's chamber.

Devika sat on the couch near the window and was staring outside blankly. Her stupor was broken by the voice of her sister-in-law. She turned and welcomed Draupadi with a smile. Draupadi was confused as to what was going on in her mind. Whole palace was whispering with what has taken place today at the Raj sabha. Arjun had immediately left in search of Maharishi Brihudyanu after the sabha and Yudhisthir locked himself in his study wanting to stay alone for sometime.

"Jiji, are you okay?" She asked tentatively.

"Of course. What will happen to me?" Devika replied with a forced smile.

"Jiji, whatever happened at the Raj sabha--- I mean whatever they are saying, you don't worry about it. I am certain it's all a lie and everything will be cleared up soon." Draupadi said with assurance.

Devika stared at Draupadi for sometime without saying anything. Then she slowly got up and went to stand beside the window.

"Mujhe gyat nehi ki kya satya hai aur kya mithya. Aaj mere samasta asttitwa par prasna cinh lagaya gaya hai Draupadi. Mere aatit, bartaman aur bhabisya, teeno prasnabidh hai. Aur inn prasno ka uttar yohi denge, jinhone aaj tak mere har dubidha ka nibaran kiya hai. Jinhone mujhe agyanta ke andhakar se nikalkar, mere jivan ko prakash se bhar dia, mujhe kebal unki pratiksha hai. Yoh jo kahenge, wahi mere liye satya hoga.

(I don't know what is true or false. Today my whole existence has been questioned Draupadi. My past, my present and future, is in question. And these questions will be answered by the very person who has always answered all my doubts. The one who pulled me out from the darkness of ignorance and enlightened my life, I'm only waiting for him. Whatever he says, will be the only truth for me.)"

Devika said softly staring blankly at the peaceful atmosphere of outside.

Draupadi didn't say anything more and thought to leave Devika alone for the time being. She didn't really know what to say in this situation. What was truth and what happened to be wrong, was truly blurred. Those allegations had disrupted Devika's whole existence. As she came outside, she found Valandhara and Drisana waiting for her.

"Is she alright?" Drisana asked hurriedly.

"I don't know. She is waiting for bhrata Yudhisthir." Draupadi answered worriedly.

"What type of test is God taking?! Not only is her birth and existence in question, but her relationship with bhrata Yudhisthir has also been challenged. My heart is shivering even with the possibility of what will happen now. How will we overcome this?!" Valandhara said with evident concern.

"Bhrata Yudhisthir has always been the anchor to steady her. But this strom! Who knows how he will handle this one." Draupadi added.

Drisana seemed to think about it too. But then the worry lines slowly decreased as she sighed thinking something.

"This is the war of relationships Jiji. And when all of us are together, there's no need to worry. We won't let Devika jiji or bhrata Yudhisthir to fall weak. We will stand together becoming their shield if need be. But we won't let them lose." Drisana said determinedly.


Drisana frowned at the guards who stood stopping her entry to the guest wing.

"I'm sorry Rajkumari. But it is strictly forbidden for any of the queens of Indraprasth to enter the guest wing of the palace or for the guests to roam freely outside the wing." A guard informed politely with lowered head while signing another to get someone to save them from this trouble.

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