Chapter 37

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Arjun: Thora kathin nehi hai?😟

Author: Draupadi ko bulayu?😒

Arjun: Isse aasan kam to mainey aapne pure jeevhan mein nehi kiya hai....😅😅😅


In Indraprasth:

"Arya?" Valandhara called finding him in the Palace garden. There was a fountain in this part of the garden. The fallen shades of the large trees, beautiful melody of falling waters, heavenly smell of flowers and the chippers of birds created an serenely atmosphere. Bheem liked to sit here and enjoy his sweets peacefully. This day was no different. He had come with his bowl of kheer here. But today's kheer tasted a little bit different. Not unpleasant, just different. There was an underlined smell which he was unable to pinpoint. The colour and texture seemed a bit unwonted too.

'Has Kashika done some experiment that failed? The influence of Drisana!'
He thought to himself. But then concentrated on eating deciding to ask her later.

Hearing Valandhara's voice, he turned his face in that direction to find her looking worried. Here, as Valandhara's eyes fell on the bowl of kheer, she remembered both Sahdev's warning and the oddness of the kheer.

"Kashika? Is everything alright?" Bheem asked frowning at her.

"Nothing is alright. Leave that kheer." Valandhara said in fear.

"I knew it. You must have tried experimenting with Drisana's cooking knowledge. That's why it's different today." Bheem said shaking his head, but instead of leaving it, ate some more and contemplating the taste said,
"It's not a complete fail, but your normal kheer is the best."

"Leave it I said. There may be poison in it!" Valandhara said through her fear. She was panicking more and more by the moment.

"Why will there be poison in your handmade kheer? I agree I trouble you a lot. But if I die, the loss is yours only as you'll be a widow." Bheem replied jokingly.

"Arya!!! Please leave it." Valandhara pleaded as tears formed in her eyes. Her subconscious mind was nagging her to move and snatch that bowl from him. But her feet refused to move. Bheem noticed her panic and keeping the bowl aside stood to come close to her.

"Okay. Fine. Tell me what---" He stopped mid sentence as suddenly a woman jumped from behind the bushes and grabbed Valandhara. She held a knife at her throat and threatened.

"Don't! Don't try to come closer Rajkumar Bheem or else I'll slit her throat open."
Bheem's face turned tight in anger. As soon as Rasika heard the commotion in the palace, she tried to get out of here. But as the Palace had been sealed, she couldn't and came in the garden to hide. She thought she would wait until she found a way to get out. But then she saw Bheem and later heard their conversation. She knew she would be caught soon. But at least she could complete her mission before going down.

"Leave her!" Bheem snapped at the woman. He watched the woman in anger and noticed her stance, the way of gripping the knife and her hold on Valandhara. This woman had been trained for stealth and physical combat.

"For that you need to finish that kheer first." Rasika replied smirking. Bheem glanced at Valandhara's panic filled eyes and understood she was telling the truth only

"So you are the one who mixed poison in it?" He gritted out.

"What does it matter? It's still sweet, isn't it? You've already finished more than half of it. Eating the rest won't be that difficult for Vrikodar, right?" Rasika said pressing the knife on Valandhara's neck a little. Valandhara felt a slight burning as the sharp end of the knife dug into her skin, causing blood to trickle down. Bheem's face turned menacing as his eyes followed the trail of the blood.

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