Chapter 68

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This chapter is going to be a very scandalous one. Probably the most scandalous in the entire series of Drisana's Mahabharat.

I just want to say that I apologize in prior if it hurts anyone's sentiments and also I am only a human in the process of learning. I can be wrong too sometimes.

Nevertheless, happy reading.....


The whole Raj sabha of Indraprasth was emersed in silence as Maharaj Govasena stood in the middle and claimed Maharani Devika as his daughter. It came to everyone as shock while only three person remained unfazed by the news.

"What are you talking about Maharaj Govasena? How can Maharani Devika be your daughter?! That's impossible!" Rajkumar Bheem said with disbelief.

"No Rajkumar. It is the truth only." Sivi Naresh said with confidence.

"How can you claim this so confidently? Do you have any proof?" It was Rajkumar Arjun who asked him this skeptically.

"Truth never needs any proof Rajkumar. But I do have proof." Maharaj Govasena replied and then meeting Yudhisthir's placid eyes added, "There's a mark on Maharani Devika's wrist. The insignia of Sivi tribe. It was engraved after her birth. You can check it to confirm."

Silence prevailed again as Pandavas shared a look among themselves. A woman's wrist remained covered in bangles most of the time. So those who remained close to her should only know the truth. Bheem remembered vaguely seeing some mark on Devika's wrist when she was serving food. But he never thought of it much.

"Even if she bears the mark, how can we be assured that you're telling the truth and this is not some conspiracy?" Nakul asked dubiously.

"If you doubt me, you can ask someone who will clear all your doubts and disbelief." Sivi Naresh replied.
"Maharishi Brihudyanu."

The name caused a few eyes to go wide while the silent spectator, Maharaj Jayadrath smirked. Maharishi Brihudyanu was a highly knowledgeable and greatly respected Rishi. His name was never taken lightly and when taken, it was taken carefully.

"He was the one who blessed my daughter after her birth and in front of him only the mark was engraved on her hand. Moreover, he is the one who told me that my daughter is alive. After so many years, he enlightened me with this truth and showed me the path of Indraprasth." Maharaj Govasena said again.

However, his this proclamation caused a frown to occur in Sahdev's forehead and Yudhisthir, though remained calm, his brain was busy in solving this riddle. He met his brother's eyes shortly before taking a decision.

"Maharaj. If what Sivi Naresh is saying, is the truth, then it is a matter of great joy for the royal family. And Maharani will also be happy with this I guess." Rajguru Cetaka interrupted politely.
"However, this is a private matter of the royal family. I suggest, you discuss this with your family confidentially and then if you see fit, you can include us in the celebration of the newly discovered old relation."

"I agree Guru Cetaka. But since Maharaj Govasena announced this publicly, there must be more to it than he is saying, isn't there?" Yudhisthir said meeting Sivi Naresh's eyes with a slight knowing smile. Sindhuraj narrowed his eyes slightly at him while Bheem, Arjun and Nakul had confusion in mind.

"Tell us Maharaj Govasena. What do you demand from Indraprasth?" Yudhisthir asked breaking the chain of thoughts.

"I want nothing but only my long lost daughter, Maharaj." Sivi Naresh replied gravely. His words though were light, carried a disasterous meaning behind which was caught or suspected by only a few.

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