Chapter 54

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In Indraprasth:

Kunti finished her morning prayer with Devika and Valandhara in the house temple which was reserved for only the royal family. She turned to give prasad (offering) and smiled finding Nakul standing at the back. No matter what her sons always came to take the offerings and her blessings first thing in the morning when they were present in Indraprasth. She left the temple and came outside with Nakul. She was going to give prasad to Draupadi. Nakul accompanied her to the short distance to Draupadi's hut.

"What happened Putra? Why are you so worried?" Kunti asked gently. She was observing him since a few days. He remained quiet than usual and looked disturbed.

"It's nothing, Mata. I'm just worried for Hridi." He replied. Drisana's health had worsened in these days. It was the last month of her pregnancy and the Daai suspected she would have an early delivery and complications may arise.

"Don't worry. Drisana and your child both will be healthy and safe. Keep faith." Kunti said in assurance and then added carefully, "But your worries are not limited to that, are they?"

Nakul didn't know how to answer that without lying. There still had been no news from Madra, bhrata Arjun was on his own who knew where, the message from Sivi made no sense and now bhrata Bheem! Everything was in chaos.

"When difficulty surrounds us from all side, we should keep patience and have faith in God. All will be fine." Kunti said with a smile when Nakul remained silent.

It was when they reached Draupadi's hut and Kunti was about to enter that Nakul stopped her.

"A letter has come from Kuntirastra. From Matamah." Nakul informed her.

"From Pitashree? What it says? And how is Bheem?" Kunti asked happily.

"Bhrata Bheem is fine. The war with Avanti has ended. And he will return soon." Nakul took a deep breath before adding, "After his marriage."

"What does it mean putra?" Kunti asked as her smile dimmed.

"Avanti Naresh has offered his daughter's hand to bhrata Bheem and he accepted the alliance." Nakul replied making Kunti's smile disappear completely. 

Valandhara's eyes widened in shock as she heard Nakul's last words. But a moment later she composed herself and called Kunti. She was coming to give the special curry she made for breakfast to Mata and Draupadi. Kunti and Nakul shared a glance understanding that she had heard their conversation. They remained silent as she went inside to meet Draupadi with the Dasi carrying the meal. Nakul also left for the palace taking Kunti's permission. 

Valandhara stayed with Kunti and Draupadi for a while playing with Shrutakarma. Kunti didn't bring the topic of Bheem's marriage or said anything though she noticed Valandhara's impassive expression. She knew how must be Dhara feeling, but didn't have any words to console her.

Tradition and Dharma allowed men to marry many times. A woman's pain and emotions were silly and irrelevant to the society and royalty. Wars were fought, innocent soldiers got killed, subjects suffered. If it all could be avoided at the cost of breaking one woman's heart, then why not. The silent scream of a queen's heart mattered less than little to them. All those words of comfort that you're the chief wife or favourite wife or other sweet nothings did nothing except boasting egos. Otherwise why would you want superiority in his heart than the ones with whom your husband took the same vows of love and companionship? Why should she be any less than you?

Kunti remembered Madri trying to hide the same fear and pain she felt when they met for the first time. She was the woman who had to welcome her husband's second wife with a smile acting like a big hearted wise woman. And Madri had to act happy to become the second wife of the mighty Kuru King. And Maharaj Pandu simply told them to have a sisterly bond and stay together in harmony. He also told them that they both had their special places in his heart. Kunti as his first wife and the one with a perspicacious mind. And Madri as his younger wife and the one with a vivacious nature. They both had smiled at his praises hiding the sharp sting of their hearts.

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