For the Haters of Subhadra-Karna Pair

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You know, some idiots doesn't vote because they're too lazy and ungrateful to appreciate the work. But of course, they're getting entertainment in free, so they won't stop themselves from reading.

These idiots will have no effect. No matter even if you verbally abuse them. They will simply take it grinning. They are the 'Dussasan group.'

And there are those lame silent viewers too who think,

'OMG, I am too good an author to vote this silly story! What if this counts more vote than my super unique story? No! I can't let anyone know my presence or vote. I will just silently read and criticise how bad and lame it is to myself 😌.'

These are the 'Duryodhan group'. Jealousy runs high on them.

There's this third type too. Who really doesn't like something in this story. Either it's the cross pairings or some religious and arguable aspect where they disagree with me. They'll read each and every chapter though (without voting) and tell me how I'm going to be scorched by Arjun or Krishna himself for the wrong pairings or wrong assuming.

And they make me laugh. You're here on Wattpad reading fanfics rather than sticking to the original Pancham Ved and you tell me that?!

Dude, grow up.

Every fanfic even if it follows the original storyline, it consists some or other alterations with OC's on it. And my dear 'dharmgyaniyo', even a slightest piece of alteration is a sin in that sense and you who read it is also sinners. So...phleeeeaaaaseee...

And this group is the 'Shakuni group'. They stick to their beliefs, remains ungrateful to the author's work and scoffs at it too. And of course all time justifying themselves based on their assumptions.

So, lately some Shakunis are bothering me saying,

"You have lost your mind."

"Stop pairing Subhadra and Karna!"

"This is wrong. How could you?"

"How dare you to pair them?"

"You have to create your own characters for fanfics."

"Not saying unpublish your book, just stop pairing them."

My answer:

Check the definition of fanfiction first.

***A fanfiction is a fictional story written by a fan in an amateur capacity based on an existing work of fiction or non-fiction. The fanfic author can use copyrighted characters, settings, or other intellectual properties from the original creator(s), as a basis for their writing. Fan fiction writers can both keep the creator's characters and settings and/or add their own.  Fan fiction can be based on any fictional and non-fictional subject.

        ●●●So, those who believe I have to create my own characters for a fanfic and I can't pair Subhadra and Karna are absolutely wrong. It's them who have NO RIGHT to tell me what to do or not in my story.

And who the hell you think you are to tell me to stop pairing them let alone unpublish my book?!!!

****Now let's see the religious angle where you say Subhadra was Arjun's wife and thus her relationship with Karna is like brother-sisterly.

Seriously??? How much do you think you know about religion? 

Do you know that according to veds, if a younger brother marries before elder brother, there exists actually a ritual where the younger brother leaves his wife and the elder one marries the girl?

Do you know that a man can marry his brother's widow according to the old scriptures?

Leave all that.

Did Vibhishan not marry his sister-in-law, Mandodri?

Did Satyavati's son Maharishi Ved Vyas not impregnated his step-brother's widows?

Did Pandavs not share Draupadi as a common wife?

I know what you idiots will say. That those were divine intervations and was bound to happen.
Well, the point is you can not say Karna can't be paired with Subhadra COZ these divine occurrences wouldn't have happened if brother's wife was strictly off-limits.

So, where the hell have you gotten it in your head that Subhadra and Karna shared a brother-sister like relation?!


According to some versions of Mahabharat (including the bori version) Krishna himself offered Draupadi to Karna to convince him to take Pandavs side.

Yes. It does say Krishna said Draupadi will take Karna as her sixth husband if he comes to Pandavs side.

●●●Then in what basis you say Subhadra can't be Karna's wife? Because she wasn't? Well, guess what? I'm not writing an authentic version of Mahabharat here. A lot of things happened and will happen in this book that has no relation with Ved Vyas's Mahabharat. If you can't digest that.......


And to those who think, I'm a fan of ArDi, and that's why I'm demeaning Subhadra......


I'm not one to brag, but I just can't help it here....

My Subhadra is fragile, but strong too.

My Subhadra doesn't cry her heart out only, but fights for what she believes in too.

My Subhadra is funny, but serious too.

My Subhadra is childish, but mature too.

My Subhadra is ordinary, but unique too.

The are two main reasons why I didn't pair her with Arjun.

1. The plot.
2. And the most important reason is......

I do not see Arjun as the worthy one for Subhadra. Not the other way around.

You're free to disagree of course. But in my opinion, Subhadra's identity exceeds far more than being Arjun's wife.

Subhadra's existence is NOT dependable on Arjun's.

Yes. Karna had faults too. But he had a reason behind those and here, in my story, Subhadra became his salvation.

AND I have a Special Gift for those who hate Subhadra with Karna. 🎁🎁🎁

Guess what?......

I'm going to dedicate the next chapter to you.....😊😊😊

For the first time in my book, I'm going to write mature bedroom scenes.....


When I first started writing, I wrote solely for myself. I didn't expect anyone to read or like this story. Because it's nothing special or unique unless you think it to be. But when you guys did, it inspired me to be more precise and continue it further. And it also made me expect your support through votes. I got pissed a few times and deleted it too. But then every time returned for you all.

The 'Krishna group'. Who motivates me, supports me and never gave up on me.

And this story is solely dedicated to my Krishnas. Love you all... ❤❤❤❤❤

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