Chapter 52

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"Vijaya." Maharani Chitralata called her gently caressing her head. Vijaya was half laying on the couch kept near the window and staring outside without blinking. She turned her lifeless eyes to her step-mother slowly. Maharani Chitralata sighed before sitting beside her.

"I know. What you endured is not easy to accept and move forth. But you'll have to be strong. For yourself.
Whatever happened was not your fault or in your control. There could have been anyone in your place and he wouldn't have cared. This world is not only filled with goodness, but evil resides among us also my child." She said in a soothing manner. "Do not try to analyse the situation. Let it go."

"It's my fault. I should have listened to you. I should have listened to Maani Maa. I shouldn't have slipped away without telling anyone. You kept scolding me for my betterment only. You tried to keep me away from the ugly world outside. But I didn't listen." Vijaya whispered in monotone. A lone tear slipped free from her eye.
"I feel so dirty. I feel so disgusted with myself. I---I can still feel those touches lingering on my body. I--I have become impure Jyesth Mata." Her voice broke as a loud sob escaped her.

Maharani Chitralata embraced her and caressed her back to calm her down.

"No, Vijaya. You're not dirty by any means. Dirty are those who dares to look at women like objects to be owned and used. Impure is that monster who subjected you to this trauma. You did nothing to feel disgusted by yourself. Do not think like that child." Maharani Chitralata said with eyes glistening with tears.

Vijaya continued to sob with Maharani Chitralata trying to console her. After long time passed, Vijaya calmed down. Maharani Chitralata guided her to the bed to take rest after giving her a medicinal drink. Her wrist hadn't healed fully yet. She told Manuja to take care of her.

"I will never leave her alone again. Not even for a single moment. Because of my carelessness this happened only." Manuja said with guilt.

"There is no use in blaming yourself Manuja. Whatever happened can't be changed. But this incidence taught me one thing. That keeping Vijaya secluded isn't going to work anymore. Freedom is not only something she wants, but needs too." Maharani Chitralata said thinking something deeply.

"I heard that Rajkumar--- This morning his brother arrived to free him? Is he not going to get any punishment Maharani? Maharaj will let him go just like that?!" Manuja asked in distress. Maharani Chitralata turned her gaze to Manuja then.

"I do not think he did this to her Manuja." She replied shocking her.

Maharani Chitralata was a far-sighted intelligent woman. If Vijaya had been alive all these years, it's because of her only. Though she didn't have motherly feelings towards Vijaya, she never forgot her humanity. Although she didn't provide Vijaya with the love and care of a mother, she did provide her with security. And Manuja trusted her judgement.

"But I saw him with my own eyes." Manuja said with hesitation.

"Sometimes our eyes get deceived too. According to him, someone else attacked Vijaya and after saving her, he brought her at the chamber. There were evidence of a fight in the garden and clearly it couldn't have been Vijaya to fight him off like that. And I have gathered information about Rajkumar Sahdev too. The youngest prince of Kuru lineage is said to be a knowledgeable and patient man. He has also knowledge of medicine and is a veterinarian. Pandavs are known for being just and righteous. He doesn't seem to be the type of man to do something like this." Maharani Chitralata replied and then added with a sigh,
"Moreover, there's a clear proof that someone else was there. There was a glass of alcohol found in the garden. And Rajkumar Sahdev didn't even touch alcohol during his stay here. The house maid confirmed it."

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