Chapter 41

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"Parnipat." Yudhisthir greeted folding his hands.

As Maharaj Sarangadhwaja had changed his mind about attacking Dwarka, thanks to his close associates who persuaded him against it, Yudhisthir was going to return to Indraprasth with his army. When Yudhisthir had tried to change Maharaj Dhritrastra's mind regarding the matter, he hadn't heard anything and Mahamahim Bheesmh was bound to the throne of Hastinapur. Nonetheless, Yudhisthir was glad that the disaster had been avoided.

Currently, he had come to meet Maharaj Dhritrastra before leaving. Maharaj Dhritrastra was seated with Mahamantri Vidur and Gandharraj Shakuni in his meeting chamber.

"Come, Maharaj Yudhisthir. Are you prepared to leave for Indraprasth?" Maharaj Dhritrastra asked impassively.

Since Yudhisthir came to Hastinapur, Maharaj Dhritrastra had only addressed him formally. The cold behaviour of the person who he considered a father figure, had hurt him.

"Yes, Tatshree. Everything is ready. I just came to take your permission and blessings." Yudhisthir replied ignoring his stiff behaviour.

"Permission?" Maharaj Dhritrastra gave a humourless laugh at that. "Why will you need anyone's permission? You're Maharaj now. You can do whatever you want."

"That is true Maharaj. But Maharaj Yudhisthir knows his limitations well. He has not forgotten that Indraprasth is still under Hastinapur's command. So, he will never do something that jeopardise Hastinapur's prestige or your honour." Gandharraj Shakuni said with that cunning smile of his on face.

"You're right Mamashree. I will never do something to disrespect Tatshree or hurt him. No matter what my station becomes, his prestige and honour will be above all else to me." Yudhisthir replied with a smile.

"Is that so? Then why your brother married that girl who insulted my son and our dynasty?" Maharaj Dhritrastra asked vehemently. "And why was she welcomed in Indraprasth?"

Mahamantri Vidur's mouth tightened in distaste, but he remained a silent spectator. Yudhisthir wasn't really surprised by this question. In fact, he expected it after getting the cold shoulder from Maharaj Dhritrastra in the last few days.

"That girl is the Kulvadhu of Kuruvangsh only Tatshree. Your daughter-in-law she is. I am dejected by the happenings of Kashi. It shouldn't have happened like this. But I do not regret the outcome. That's why I was happy to welcome Valandhara and celebrated my brother's marriage." Yudhisthir replied calmly.

"We are also happy with the news of Rajkumar Bheem's marriage, but we also did not like how it happened. Specially since he threatened his own brother in front of everyone for a mere girl. It didn't look good, don't you think? One brother won the swayambar and another took away the girl. Moreover they were ready to rip out each other's throat for that very girl! It shouldn't have happened."Gandharraj Shakuni commented with a disheartened look.

"You're right Mamashree. That shouldn't have happened." Yudhisthir agreed making Maharaj Dhritrastra smirk.

Gandharraj Shakuni caressed his beard thinking they had successfully managed to subdue Yudhisthir. It would help them later when after Bheem's death, they demanded Valandhara. But his next words surprised not only him, but Mahamantri Vidur too.

"Such blatant display of hostility between brothers isn't good. So, I suggest you get some wisdom and patience in Duryodhan. That will help him in reigning his anger and not to make hasty decisions." Yudhisthir said smoothly. "Because as per my information, he was the one who challenged Bheem disregarding everyone's words." He added looking pointedly at Gandharraj.

Gandharraj Shakuni gave a forced smile to him with difficulty. Maharaj Dhritrastra was fuming silently and Mahamantri Vidur looked amused.

"Give me permission now Maharaj Dhritrastra." Yudhisthir said with folded hands and after taking his and Mahamantri Vidur's blessings, left the chamber.

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