Chapter 9

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Sugar Alert!!!!! This chapter may cause you diabetes. ..😁😁😁

"Arya? Have you forgotten the way to our chamber?" Draupadi asked frowning as she watched Arjun going into another direction.

"No, priye. I have not. But someone are waiting for me. I'm going to meet them only." Arjun replied not stopping.

"Who is waiting for you?" Draupadi asked from behind.

"Why don't you come and see for yourself?" Arjun said and rounded a corner getting out of her sight.

Draupadi followed immediately to catch him. But as she rounded the corner, she stopped coming at the end of the hall. Arjun was nowhere to be found. There was only a large mirror on the end wall. Draupadi contemplated for a moment and then touched the mirror to find its an illusionary door.

She went through it. The other side of the door opened up to a beautiful lakeside surrounded by different flower trees. The flowers with their fragrance and vivid color made it a sight to behold. The area was lightened by only the moon and fireflies flying around. Giving the area an entrancing atmosphere. A dock led to a dias situated on the middle of the lake. There was sitting arrangements made on the dias with bedspread and pillows. Arjun's veena was kept there. Draupadi smiled looking around.

"Now you got it? This serene atmosphere and my veena was waiting for me." Arjun whispered in her ear standing at her back. "And their wait will be deficient without you."

"Why is that? Who am I to them?" Draupadi asked in a whisper.

"You're the beauty of the night. The melody of the veena. The passion of my heart. You're SavyasachinSaragata (Passion of Savyasachi)." Arjun replied in a husky voice. His lips touching her ear lightly. Draupadi closed her eyes feeling the feathery touch. Arjun gently lifted her in his arms and walked to the dais. Draupadi opened her eyes as she felt him placing her down in a half sitting position with pillows supporting her back. She stared at his eyes as Arjun kept looking at hers with love and passion. He slowly bent down towards her lips. Draupadi closed her eyes again, but felt him placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She looked at him to see a smirk playing on his lips. Draupadi lowered her gaze in shyness.

Arjun went to the veena and started playing a beautiful melody that spoke of their undying love and fervour.

Nakul took a deep breath as he stood in front of the door to his bed chamber. His heart was beating rapidly. Anxiousness surrounded him for reasons unknown. Might be it was because this night was long awaited. Drisana was no longer his lover whom he went to meet secretly at nights. That was forbidden pleasure. Forbidden by the society's standards but demanded by heart. The soft touches, gentle whispers, getting lost in each others eyes full of ardour was not forbidden anymore. His love, his heart, his devotion, his obsession was waiting for him just on the other side of this door. And he had full right to open it.

Nakul finally opened the door with a slight smile on his lips. As he looked around the room, his body stiffened immediately with concern. Drisana sat on the floor holding her left foot and crying.

"Hridaya!? What happened to you?" Nakul asked rushing to her side. "Did you get hurt? What happened to your feet? Did you get a sprain? Where is it hurting?" Nakul asked in a breath checking her foot for injuries.

"No. I didn't get a sprain." Drisana replied still crying.

"Then what happened?" Nakul asked not understanding the reason of her distress as her foot seemed to be fine.

"I was sitting for so long. My feet got numbed." Drisana said crying miserably. Nakul stared at her for sometimes. Then coming out of the trance, he helped her in getting up.

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