Chapter 24

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Nakul and Sahdev glanced at each other with straight faces. Each willing the other to break first. Bheem was smirking, wondering who would be the first one to lose and Arjun kept glaring at the twins. Nakul hardened his face. No he was determined not to break first. Sahdev gave a short snort to restrain himself, but then he took a deep breath and it proved to be the wrong move as it broke free.

Unbridled laughter broke free from his chest and seeing him Nakul also joined in. Bheem's booming laughter was heard too. Arjun scowled at them. Karna and Kunti sat beside them smiling in mirth. Valandhara, Drisana and Draupadi was also trying to control their laughter as they were arranging everything for dinner. Subhadra was with Devika and Yudhisthir was accompanied by Rajguru Cetaka discussing something.

It was the day of Balipratipada. The previous day, Deepavali had been celebrated with the welcoming of the new little prince, Yaudheya. None of them thought the celebration could be more euphoric, but then they were proved wrong.
And this day had also been celebrated with decorating the floor with colorful images of Bali with his wife Vindyavati, a shared feast, events and sports like Malyudh (wrestling), Khadagyudh (sword fight), Dhanurdwand (Archery competition), Duyt krida (gambling) etc. Drama, music and poetry sessions were held too with renowned artists and performers coming to entertain them from different Kingdoms.

Now, after all the feverish activities, they were here for a family dinner. Wondering what happened to amuse everyone so much?

Well, before gathering for dinner, all the Kakashree of Yaudheya had gone to meet him. Karna had taken a sleeping Yaudheya from Subhadra's arms and blessed him first. When Bheem took him from him, his sleep had been disturbed and he opened his eyes. Bheem gave him a broad smile, but Yaudheya had started crying loudly after staring for a moment. Nakul took him from Bheem and cooed him looking hell cute. Yaudheya stopped crying watching him. But just when Nakul declared Yaudheya liked him, the baby slapped his face. Sahdev then took him chuckling at Nakul's pouting face, but he lost his smile feeling a strong tug on his kundal (earring). The tug had been strong enough to ripe it from his ear. Sahdev had been visibly pale and handed him to Arjun hurriedly.

Arjun watching his brothers conditions, remained careful and held the baby awkwardly at a little distance from his face. Yaudheya giggled a bit at him and then a stream had landed on Arjun's face. It had taken him a few precious moments to realise what just happened along with everyone else.

"We must admit, Yaudheya's aim is very good." Nakul said controlling his laughter.

"Just like bhrata Arjun." Sahdev added and both of them burst into fits of laughter again.

"Laugh as much as you can. My time will arrive too. My child will take my revenge from you soon." Arjun said huffing making them laugh harder.

"By the way Arjun, your face was really worth watching this time, you know." Bheem commented too.

"You think about yourself bhrata Bheem. Your face scared the kid." Arjun retorted back. Bheem frowned at him and Nakul and Sahdev resumed their laughter again. This time at Bheem.

"Why are you laughing Nakul? Your face is so ugly, he slapped you." Bheem said taunting Nakul.

"Only Jyesth was able to handle him. I think he likes Jyesth the best among us." Sahdev said with a smile. Karna smiled too.

"Yes, of course. Jyesth handled him so smoothly, I think he is ready for fatherhood too." Arjun said with a teasing smile. Karna's smile dimmed hearing him. Kunti noticed the change in his mood.

"That's enough. Now we should start the dinner. Sahdev, look where Yudhisthir remained and Drisana, get Subhadra and Devika too." Kunti ordered and both went to comply nodding.

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