Chapter 18

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"Now who will you support Subhadre? On one side is your beloved brother and on another is your dear husband. Whose victory will you wish for?" Krishna asked smiling playfully.

"Bhrata Krishna! What have you done?" Subhadra asked making a crying face.

"What have I done! I did nothing. They're the ones duelling." Krishna said innocently.

"Stop them. I can't see this." Subhadra said in distress.

"How can I stop them? They won't stop for me, will they?" Krishna said so smiling at her and moved away leaving Subhadra to her musings.

Subhadra flinched as Balaram delivered another blow to Karna. But that didn't slow down Karna. He got up immediately stopping another attack from him. Now Subhadra understood how Drisana felt when Rajkumar Nakul and Rajkumar Dhikshit were having a 'friendly' match. She silently sent an apology to Drisana for laughing at her that time.

Karna wasn't going to back down from a challenge, nor was Balaram going to stop. This fight would escalate for days and then? Either of their defeat would be an insult to them. No. Subhadra couldn't allow that. She had to stop them. But how? She thought hard how to stop them, what to do, without any apparent solution.

'Oh God! I'm going to faint if this continues.' Subhadra thought watching Balaram landing another hard blow.

Then something clicked on her mind.

"Maharaj! Maharani has fainted!" Shouted a guard from the sideline where Subhadra laid on the ground unconscious.

In Indraprasth :

The whole royal family of Indraprasth sat together for breakfast. Today, It was Valandhara's first day at kitchen. And she had singlehandedly made everything as per the custom. Whatever grudge Bheem was holding against her for sleeping at their wedding night, vanished looking at all the delicious dishes.

"Wow, bhabhishree! So much delicious foods! Look at this Drisana. And what you made at your first day? Boiled vegetables. That too half raw." Arjun taunted Drisana humorously.


Drisana narrowed her eyes at him as the rest sighed.

As Drisana and cooking didn't suit together in one sentence, so she had sticked to basics at her first day at kitchen by trying to make salad. In her opinion, she was decent. But Arjun had other thoughts.

Well, he was the only one to voice out his thoughts. Kunti, Devika and Yudhisthir were too nice to say anything. Nakul, Sahdev and Draupadi knew better than to say anything. Bheem still remembered the orangish substance she called Kheer at the time of their exile. So he remained silent.

Arjun on the other hand, complained saying raw vegetables with salt and pepper couldn't be called food. Specially when he had to peel off a few of them while eating.

Okay. She might have deliberately forgot to peel the outer skin of some vegetables. Why to take the risk of peeling her own skin when she knew those could be safely eaten without peeling. But no one could complain about the desert. It was perfect. Perfect amount of jagger mixed in boiled milk.

Yes. She served boiled milk as desert.

"So? Bhrata Arjun, foods are only made according to choices. Bhrata Bheem likes these foods, so Dhara jiji made this. But Nirmay likes healthy foods. So I made boiled vegetables, because that's healthy only." Drisana said with full attitude.

"Mana ki mere anuj ko ashwa pasand hai. Toh kya tum use ashwa ki vati kuch bhi kacca pakka khila dogi?
(I agree my brother likes horses. Does that mean you'll feed him anything raw or ripe like a horse?)" Arjun said again making both Drisana and Nakul frown, for different reasons though.

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