Chapter 10

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A few days later in Indraprasth.....

Everything was going normally at Indraprasth. Pandavs were busy in state matters most of the time. As a new built city Indraprasth needed a lot of working on it before it could flourish to a great extent. Drisana was adjusting to her new surroundings and responsibilities with Devika and Draupadi's help. Devika was like a mother balancing and managing everything with smiles. Contrastingly Draupadi added exotic flavours in events with her excitement and fascination. Rajmata Kunti remained relaxed leaving everything on her daughters-in-law's surveillance. But of course, she was always there to guide them if they needed her.

"Rajkumari? A letter from Dravida has come for you." Tara informed Drisana handing her the letter. It was from her mother, Maharani Mangalya. Drisana smiled as she opened the letter and started reading it. But soon her smile vanished and a frown appeared on her face. Tara who was beside her noticed the change in her expression.

"What happened Rajkumari? Is everything alright in Dravida?" She asked tentatively.

"Bhrata Dhikshit has taken self-exile. His whereabouts is unknown." Drisana replied looking contemplative.

"Don't worry Rajkumari. He'll be fine." Tara said to assure Drisana.

"I've confidence in my brother that he will be. But same may not be true for those around him." Drisana said smiling a little.

Something was amiss. Bhrata Dhikshit's anger and aggression didn't fit right. There was something buried inside him that fuelled his rage. And going to self-exile without telling anyone or giving any explanation was mystifying too. What was more weird, was her Pitashree letting him go just like that. According to her Mata, it was Maharaj Drishadvat who later informed everyone about this saying he let him go because Dhikshit wanted that only.

That got Drisana into thinking. All the mysteries in the world centred into three things.

Wealth. Dhikshit had no desire for that. Otherwise he wouldn't choose to go to exile.

Power. He was not power hungry. There was much opportunity for that without going to exile. And Maharaj Drishadvat wouldn't support him on that.

That concluded to the last thing. His aversion to marriage and her Pitashree supporting him everytime in this matter, pointed towards it too.


Yudhisthir, Arjun and Sahdev were seated at their meeting room discussing something when a guard informed them that a messenger from Kashi had arrived.

Yudhisthir permitted him in perplexity. Sending a messenger meant there must be something important.

"All hail to Maharaj!" The messenger greeted him and after getting Yudhisthir's permission spoke again. "Maharaj, Kashi Naresh has sent his greetings to you. And with that there are two messages. One from Maharaj Subahu to you and another from Rajkumari Valandhara to Rajkumari Arunika."

Yudhisthir nodded and sent a guard to call Drisana. They waited for Drisana to arrive and soon she came with Nakul.

"What happened?" Nakul asked coming inside.

"There's a message for Drisana from Kashikumari Valandhara. And another from Maharaj Subahu to bhrata Yudhisthir." Arjun replied.

"What message Maharaj Subahu has to send?" Nakul asked in bewilderment. Then he caught Sahdev's eyes and a moment later his own rounded getting his brother's sign.

Yudhisthir and Drisana both took their respective messages and started reading. The rest three waited patiently. After reading Drisana looked expectantly at Yudhisthir.

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