Chapter 36

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And here we are again. The current vote is 58. 😟
So, again the target is 80. Let's vote. Yes. I'm going to give a vote to myself too...😂😂😂

In Indraprasth:

Valandhara frowned at the kheer that was ready to serve.

"Is something wrong Rajkumari?" The dasi asked tentatively whom she had given responsibility to watch over the kheer while it cooked.

"I don't know. Something seems off about it. The colour seems darkened and the texture of it seems thin too." Valandhara said still frowning at it. The dasi looked back again at the cauldron, but found no difference. The Kheer was white in colour and it's texture seemed okay too.

"Forgive me Rajkumari, but to me it seems perfectly fine." The dasi said nervously. Rajkumari Valandhara was so fussy about her cooking! Not a little bit ingredient more or less she tolerated. She could tell just by looking which ingredient was added more or skipped.

'May be the sweetener fell a little more this time.' The dasi thought humorously.

"Rajkumari, it's absolutely fine. How can there be anything wrong when you made it yourself? And the smell coming from it, is also so good. Should I get the serving bowls?" The dasi said cheerily. Valandhara nodded reluctantly thinking it to be her illusion only.

"Take this to Arya. And the other bowl is for bhrata Sahdev." Valandhara said handing the separate bowls of Kheer to the dasis.


Sahdev came back from the practice session and freshened up. It was a tiring day indeed. In fact these days had been mostly in absence of his brothers. He glanced at both the bowl of kheer kept on the low table and the parchments kept on his study table. Well. The kheer could wait a little bit. With that thought, he went to his study table and got engrossed in his work. He was brought back into reality when a guard entered after seeking permission and told the Raj Vaiyd had come to meet him. It wasn't unusual as he often discussed matters and worked with the Raj Vaiyd.
Sahdev came to the meeting chamber where the Raj Vaiyd was waiting. There was another man accompanying him though. They greeted him as he came inside.

"Parnipat Rajkumar. Forgive me for disturbing you. But the matter is such that I didn't find it right to wait and came immediately to meet you." The Raj Vaiyd said with tension evident in his face.

"It's absolutely fine. What is the matter that have you so anxious?" Sahdev asked assuring him.

"This man, he is a Vaiyd too. He works in the village and sometimes come to help me if needed. Two days before, a woman came to him to get treated. She had purpura over her body.
(Purpura : a rash of purple spots on the skin caused by internal bleeding from small blood vessels.)
At first he thought it was due to some sickness, but after examination and observing, something about her condition didn't feel right to him. He brought the woman to me. And I also feel the same." The Raj Vaiyd explained the situation and then took a breath before adding,

"The woman was poisoned. And it isn't some ordinary poison. It's a very rare and deadly poison of snakes which are found in the forests of Malla Kingdom. This poison upon entering a human body bursts the blood vessels and the victim dies a very painful death. Just a few drop is enough to kill someone within a short time."

"And you are saying that someone has deliberately given this poison to this woman?" Sahdev asked contemplating.

"Seems like that. But maybe the person's intention wasn't to kill. The poison has been given in a small amount very carefully. It can't be more than one single drop." The Raj Vaiyd replied nodding.

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