Chapter 39

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"Why have you gone there? You're a prince! Playing with those kids in mud doesn't suit you." Bhanumati scolded Lakshman as the boy stood with lowered head.

He had earlier gone to play in the garden with some of the kids of the ministers and other officials. His mother had forbade him to mingle with people who couldn't match his station. But who was there to play with him? There was only another prince in the palace close to his age. His uncle, Dussasan's four year old son, Durmasen. But Durmasen never shared his toys. He was rather possessive of his things. That's why Lakshman didn't like to play with him. And his other uncles' sons were too small to play with. And besides the other kids listened to his every command. They never opposed him. So, he liked to play with them more.

"I told you not to play with them. Why don't you listen to me?" Bhanumati asked again angrily.

"Shant Putri Bhanumati. Shant. (Calm down, Bhanumati.)" Gandharraj Shakuni said entering the chamber. He came close to Lakshman and caressed his hair.

"Putra Lakshman, have you seen the throne of the King in the court room?" Shakuni asked and when Lakshman nodded in affirmative, he said, "That throne remains on the high stage and distanced from others. Do you know why?" Lakshman replied in negative this time and Shakuni explained with a smirk.

"Because a King is above all. His words, his rule is above everything and everyone. If he remains in the ground with everyone else, there will be no difference between him and others and no one will respect or fear him. You're the son of the Yuvraj of Hastinapur. You are meant to rule in future. If you get close and cozy with those people, they won't respect you and they will start taking advantage of you. That's why, you need to maintain your distance. Just like a King."

Bhanumati looked pleased as Lakshman went away after nodding and receiving a toy horse from Shakuni.

"You sure explain well Mamashree." Bhanumati said.

"That's why I came to explain to you too

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"That's why I came to explain to you too." Shakuni said with a smile. "It's better not to roam around the Palace hallways at night. And eavesdropping and spying on the Yuvraj, is a crime, Putri."

Bhanumati understood what he was talking about. He had seen her spying on Duryodhan the other day when they were talking.

"I wasn't doing anything of that sort. I was just curious to see where he was, leaving me alone in our chamber." Bhanumati replied with attitude.

"That is another wrong move. The time when he would have accompanied you leaving all else, has passed already. You missed the opportunity to make yourself important to him." Shakuni said with a smirk.

"I am the Yuvrani of Hastinapur and his wife. I don't need to do anything for 'becoming important' Mamashree. I already am." Bhanumati replied returning his smirk.

"Wrong again. You're important as long as Duryodhan gives you importance. The moment he stops, you're nothing but just another forgotten queen of the palace. He is not bound to you. It is you who is bound to him. And you have no one to fault for that but yourself." Shakuni said chuckling and making Bhanumati's anger flare.

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