Chapter 64

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In Dravida:

Dear sisters,

Please accept my heartfelt love and respect at first. Many seasons have passed since we last met. How are you sisters? Is everything alright there? I hope jijashree is treating you right and you both have found your place beside him with equal love and affection.

As for me, I am not the little girl anymore that used to run and hide behind you two. I have grown up into a woman now. And so much that in a few days, I'm going to get married. In all these years, you two have not come back here for once. And I understand. Dravida has welcomed you two with love and honour. I am happy for you both. Hopefully may God grant me the same blessing! I just wish to be able to get your blessings at this most auspicious time of my life. Maybe this is the only chance I will have to meet you in upcoming years.

It will be a great pleasure and the best gift that I receive at my wedding, if you two come here and bless me sisters.

Your little sister,

Rajkumar Dheemant entered inside his wives chamber, only to find them sitting sadly on the stairs that led to the varanda. His always cheerful bubbly queens looking lost and upset brought a frown to his face.

"What happened? Why are my flowers looking so gloomy today?" Dheemant asked sitting behind the two of them.

Rajkumari Himani & Poornima only threw a short glance at their husband but didn't say anything. Dheemant frowned again as he tried to read their silence.

"Okay. So I thought after receiving the invitation from your father and that letter from your sister, you two would be happy. But here you are sitting with dark faces. I guess you're not pleased with the news of her marriage." Dheemant said.

"No, no---"

"We do---"

"Wish to--"


Himani & Poornima replied.

"Then why are you sitting sadly instead of preparing to leave?" He inquired.

"She has grown ---"

"So much in these years."

"But we never thought ---"

"Or minded her in cheers."

"She was the little girl ---"

"Who ran behind us in small steps."

"And when we moved ---"

"We never searched ---"

"The lost footsteps."

Dheemant thought on their words and understood that they were feeling guilty for not keeping contact with their little sister, Indumati. Though little Indumati had remembered them as she grew up into a beautiful woman. She had remembered the twin big sisters of hers, whom she adored.

"When the bond is formed by heart, it doesn't matter the distance or time that keeps us apart." Dheemant said finally with a smile. "Look! For so many years, Drisana was missing. But did that make a difference in the love that always resided inside us for her? Similarly, the years in between can't wipe the fact that you both love your sister dearly."

With Dheemant's assuring words, Himani & Poornima found their smile again. They immediately started discussing the preparations of the journey to their father's kingdom and the gifts they should select. Dheemant shook his head as they had already forgotten about him and was busy in planning. But he was satisfied to see his bubbly wives back to their cheerful moods.

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